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Making Sense of Credit Card Fees
In addition to the APR (annual percentage rate) and the finance charges, most credit cards have a number of 'fees' associated with their use. Some fees are unavoidable with a particular card (like an annual fee or a program participation fee), while others are triggered by certain circumstances. The most common fees are listed below. To get a better idea of what your credit card may cost to use over the course of a year, check your card's terms and conditions and your user agreement to see which fees may apply to you. Annual fee: An annual fee is charged for the privilege of having the card, whether you ever use it or not. Many credit cards offer no annual fee and a low interest rate to their best customers, or to those with excellent credit. If you're trying to recover from a bout with bad credit, your only choice may be a card with a relatively high annual fee. In that case, look for one with the lowest APR you can get, and be careful to avoid triggering other fees. Cash advance fee: When you use your credit card to get a cash advance, there is often a cash advance fee. It may be a flat fee per cash advance (say $5, no matter how much cash you borrow), or a percentage of the amount advanced - 5%. This fee is in addition to interest that you will pay on the amount. Balance-transfer fee Usually, when you transfer the balance of one card to another, the credit card company will charge you a balance transfer fee. Like the cash advance fee, it may be a flat rate, or a percentage of the amount of the transfer. Late-payment fee If your payment is not received and posted by your credit card company after the due date, you will be charged a late payment fee. The late payment fee will be added to your credit card balance. In many cases, if you are late with a payment more than once, or a certain number of times within a specified period, your interest rate will also rise in addition to the late payment fee.Over-the-credit-limit fee: If you go over your credit limit on your credit card, you will often be charged a flat fee in penalty. Credit-limit-increase fee: You usually must pay a credit limit increase fee if you request that your credit limit be raised. Set-up fee: When you open a new credit card account, the credit card company may charge a one-time setup fee which may be anything from $19 to $149. Return-item fee: This is essentially a bounced check fee. If you make a payment on your account by check, and the check is returned by your bank for non-sufficient funds, the credit card company may charge you a returned-check fee. Other fees: Depending on the credit card company, and the card offered, you may be liable for other fees, including fees for making payments by phone, for checking your account online, for establishing an online bill paying service or for providing other customer service. Be sure to read your credit card's terms and conditions to see what charges and fees you're liable for paying. Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the credit card comparison sites http://www.credit-cards-info.com/ and also http://www.creditcards121.com/
Good Credit Is a Necessity for Everyday Living Most of us want a good credit report to obtain vehicle financing, credit cards for emergencies and luxuries, and to finance a home mortgage. However, beyond these consumer loans, a great credit report makes your life easier. Do You Want to Get a New Credit Card at a Great Rate? 1) Do your homework. Applying for and getting approved for a credit card is nothing more than legwork. Credit card contracts can sometimes contain onerous terms that might make you sorry that you signed up for the new card that you did. Read the fine print carefully. If a deal looks to good to be true, it just might be. Credit cards can be a great way to finance your purchases, but make sure it's not at such an expense that you end up paying for a long time afterward. Start Building Credit Fast! There are a couple of reasons for this. You can pay your bills on time for years and never gain more than a few points on your credit score. Four Tips How Homeowners Can Rebuild Their Life After a Foreclosure Let's face it, if you are facing the possibilities of losing your home due to a foreclosure and you think that you may never be able to purchase another home anytime soon. Keep reading. Credit Repair Kit Sound To Good To Be True? It Is. A lot of people have bad credit. It is unfortunate that good people with good intentions are sometimes lured into credit card offers with outrageous interest rates or convinced to buy a new, overpriced car that they cannot afford. Sometimes, it is a stroke of bad luck. You may have recently lost your job or been involved in an accident that made you unable to work which in turn also made you unable to pay your bills. Whatever the case bad credit can follow you for a very long time and repairing your credit is no easy task. You may have seen advertisements claiming to be able to repair your credit for only a small fee. Some advertise credit repair kits for anywhere from $10.00-$20.00. This may seem like a small price to pay to have your good credit reinstated. But beware, the price is often much higher. Jail time or high fines are the price you must be willing to pay since these scams are illegal. Five Credit Card Billing Problems and How to Fix Them It goes without saying that your first and best defense against paying fraudulent or unfair charges on your credit card is knowing what your bill says! When you receive your credit card statement each month, sit down with it and check each item to make sure that you actually DID purchase it. If you do run into inaccuracies or problems, there are procedures to follow to report and deal with the charges. If you don't follow the procedure and the card company decides to notify a credit reporting agency, it could affect far more than just your balance on that one credit card. 5 Ways To Prevent Credit Card Late Fees Paying a credit card late fee is the same as throwing your money away. Late credit card payments can also hurt your credit score. The payment tips and strategies here will show you how to prevent these costly fees. The Top 5 Secrets to Managing Your Credit Cards?So They Won?t Manage You You've probably never heard of Frank X. McNamara, but he revolutionized the way you shop on a daily basis. Defeating Credit Card Debt With Self Control Credit card debt is a major social problem in some Western countries. To rid yourself of credit card debt, it is best to recognize the problem as both a social and individual problem. Cutting Credit Card Costs What are the APRs charged by the credit cards in your wallet? If you are paying more than 12% interest on any of them, you are probably paying too much. The prime rate is currently in the single digits, so credit card companies that charge above 13% APR are overcharging. If you have good credit, you should be able to find a credit card with an APR below 12%. Shop around and get the rate you deserve. Do not be afraid of asking for a lower rate on your current credit card if you think you deserve it. A lower interest rate can cut your credit card costs significantly. Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below). Credit Card Incentives Credit card companies want your business. After all, lending money to people is profitable. Besides the interest fees that you'll be charged, the credit card company also collects a fee from merchants who accept their credit cards. In order to get your business, most credit card companies are willing to offer you some great incentives - not only to apply for one of their cards, but to use it for everything from car rentals to weekly groceries. 5 Killer Steps to avoid Credit Card SCAMS! In August, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission issued their findings of a recent study, which showed that nearly 25 million adults were victims of fraud. Watch Out For Credit Repairs It is very easy to find a site that is neat, professional-looking, and one that offers a free three-agency credit report and free credit report without a credit card. 10 Ways To Protect Your Financial Identity Being Used For Someone Else?s Shopping Spree Someone impersonating you could be spending your hard-earned money. Good Credit is King, When Qualifying for Mortgage Programs If you want to purchase a new home or refinance your current mortgage, be sure to check out the wide array of loan programs available. If you have less than excellent or even poor credit, you can still qualify for a loan. If you have outstanding credit, though, you are in the proverbial driver's seat, when it comes to selecting your loan program. Be sure to find a good mortgage consultant, and carefully explain exactly what you need. Here are just a couple of "outside-the-box" programs that come in handy for some people but require excellent credit ratings. Credit Cards Credit cards are a form of unsecured credit. The issuer isextending you a line of credit, usually tacking on all sorts of little surprises in the fine print. This type of credit is probably the most commonly used. Give Yourself Credit The Beginning of the Credit Card Era What You Didnt Know About Your Credit Card Numbers Have you ever really looked at your credit card and tried to figure out what that huge string of numbers really means? Do these card issuers have so many customers that your account number has to be 16 digits long? Understanding the Function of Credit What is Credit? |
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