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Credit Report ? How Your Credit Score is Determined
Most consumers are aware that they have something known as a credit report that is used to determine whether or not they would qualify for a loan. Fewer are familiar with the FICO score, a creation of the Fair, Isaac, and Co. which distills their entire credit report down to a three-digit numeral. What, exactly, is this score? How is it compiled? Can anything be done to improve it? The FICO credit score is used by all three major credit bureaus ? Experian, Trans Union and Equifax. They are the companies that keep track of the credit and lending transactions of millions of Americans. The score is used to provide, in a nutshell, a figure that represents the credit-worthiness of a consumer. That score, which ranges from a low of 300 to a high of 850, is used in many ways by businesses and employers. The score is used by insurance companies to set rates, landlords to establish security deposits, and even prospective employers to determine whether hiring someone is a good risk. Despite the importance of credit scores in their lives, few Americans understand how it works. The score is determined by a variety of factors, each of which makes up a portion of the score: By seeing how a credit score is compiled, consumers can take action to keep their scores healthy. A good score helps borrower obtain loans at better interest rates, and that is something that everyone can appreciate. ©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including End-Your-Debt.com, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and HomeEquityHelp.com, a site devoted to information regarding mortgages and home equity lending.
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Looking for that Low interest Credit Card? If you have been shopping around for a Low Interest Credit Card you will notice that the UK market is awash with Credit Card companies offering low rates to entice you to apply for their Cards. Boosting Your Credit Score To Get The Best Credit Card Deal Making Your Credit Rating Work For You Home Loans ? Repair Your Credit Before You Buy Before you take out a home loan or make any major purchase, you should be aware that any prospective lender will want to take a look at your credit report. Your credit report is a record of all of your past financial dealings, and any loans, credit cards, judgements, bankruptcies or other major financial transactions are listed there. Along with your credit report will come your credit score, which is a three digit number between 300 and 850 that represents a distillation of all of the above. That score represents your entire financial life, and your ability to obtain financing for any major purchase depends on having a good one. What if you don't have a good record? Should you go to one of those companies that promise to repair your credit? What you should do is repair it yourself. Credit Card Expenses Are Killing Your Budget! Do you know the costs associated with your credit card? Do your really know? Many people assume they do but aren't aware of the hidden fees that many credit card companies are charging you month after month. In fact, if you don't keep a close eye on your credit card, you may end up paying hundreds of extra dollars per year-without ever knowing it! And if you're trying to budget your money, those hidden fees can add up! Your Credit Card May Be Costing More Than You Think! Do you know what your credit card is truly costing you? Manypeople assume that they do, but aren't familiar with thehidden fees that many credit card companies are charging. Infact, if you don't keep close tabs on your credit card, youmay end up paying hundreds of extra dollars per year-withoutever really knowing it! Tips For Getting Your First Credit Card Most of us get a credit card on our name when we go to college or when we are in our senior years of high school and all of us stumble into the same types of difficulties when it comes to finding an issuer and managing the credit card. Most banks ask for a prior type of credit history that most of the time lacks and for some type of warranty that we will be good payers. It is true, finding the right issuer and building a credit card history is not easy, but it can be done. How To Use Your Credit Cards Wisely Are you one of the thousands pulling your hair out trying to figure out how you're going to pay your credit card bills? Using your credit cards wisely and sensibly will help you avoid financial problems and establish a strong credit rating, so here's some information to help you get your credit card problems under control. Building Business Credit Most businesses want to be able to borrow money when they need it, without the owners having to guarantee the loans personally. This means less risk to the owners. But wanting to get credit for your business and actually getting it can be two different things. How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others don't? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you don't know? The answer is your credit score. Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle! Part 1 Just when most people finish with school and can stop worrying about test scores, there's a new kind of scoring that enters the picture. It's called credit scoring. And, its impact on your financial future can mean more to you than a college degree. Do You Know The Top Five Credit Card Mistakes? When you're dealing with credit cards, you're playing with fire. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who don't realise that, and make all sorts of dangerous mistakes with their credit cards every day. Finding and Applying for the Right Credit Card Offer Online Anywhere you go online nowadays, you will see a multitude of ads for credit cards. Some offer low interest rate for an introductory period, or bonus frequent flyer miles while others offer real discounts on new vehicles and equipment. Trying to find one that suits your needs and lifestyle can be a little overwhelming. Fight Credit Card Fraud with Common Sense By now, you have undoubtedly heard of credit card fraud, an alarming and damaging trend that is sweeping the country. Here's the bad news: It is disturbingly easy for thieves to obtain your credit card number--usually from discarded receipts or even directly from you. For instance, many solicitors masquerade as legitimate businesspeople--like those who offer vacation packages, for instance--when, in fact, they're looking for you to innocently hand over your credit card number so they can rack up illegal charges. Finding Reputable Credit Card Companies You're interested in getting the best credit cards for your family's needs, but you don't want to be cheated. Or you're interested in small business credit cards, but you've heard that some of them aren't terribly secure. What do you do? Credit Card Traps: How To Spot Them On The Spot! They arrive in your mail - a conspicuous looking mail piece from some "official looking" bank claiming that you have been Pre-Approved for a Mastercard or VISA credit card. Credit Repair Scams "Erase Bad Debt !" Big Brother Knows Whats in Your Credit Report - How About You? Whether you are aware of it or not, credit bureaus have been keeping tabs on you and how you use credit. When it's time for you to apply for a mortgage, credit card, or personal loan, your credit report is what lenders look at to decide to approve you or not. Secured Credit Cards- Consumer Tips Whether you have no credit or damaged credit, secured credit cards are a good tool for building a good credit history. Maximizing Credit Card Rewards In their quest to get you to sign up for their credit card, banks and financial institutions are coming up with more and higher incentives to entice you. Frequent flyer miles gave way to gas miles which opened the door for cash rebates and reward points to be used at 'our fine member merchants'. When most other things are equal (APR, annual fees, fees for transfers et al), the style of reward points and how you can make use of them can be the deciding factor in which card you choose to put in your wallet. Tackling Bad Credit The first time I heard the term credit history was when I approached a lender for a secured loan. Being a first timer I was completely ignorant of the procedure and didn't even know that a credit record of our transactions is prepared by some credit reference agencies. ![]() |
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