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Solving The 7 Most Common Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistakes
Let's face it EVERY cook makes mistakes (yes, even usprofessional bakers make boo boo's). I'm going to list here, the 7 most common wholewheat bread baking mistakes that you're probably making, ormight make if you're not forewarned, and what you can do aboutthem. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 1 By far the most common bread baking mistake is when the salt isforgotten to be added to the whole wheat bread dough. This results in very bland bread, and even effects the rising ofthe dough. Making your whole wheat bread flat on top. The best solution for this is to use a post it note as a reminderto yourself, to add the salt to the whole wheat bread dough. You can stick the post it note where ever you're most likelyto see it (fridge, recipe book, etc..) Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 2 The second most common mistake is when the whole wheat bread dough is allowed to over rise, which leads to it falling. This usually happens when the whole wheat bread dough is forgotten about. And with so much going on our lives, who doesn't forget things like this now and then? But don't fret, there is a solution: Ifthe whole wheat bread is already in the bread pans when it over rises simply use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut the excess dough off the sides of the unbaked loaves. Separate and roll this dough into a few small balls of dough.Allow them to rise 20 minutes to 30 minutes on a small oiled cookie sheet, and then bake them on 350 Fahrenheit, for 15 to 20 minutes as whole wheat rolls. Also allow the whole wheat bread dough to rise for about 15 to 20 more minutes before baking if it is extremely flat on top. Another solution to help you keep from forgetting about yourbread, is to use a timer which will beep loudly after the selected time period is up. Using a timer can also help stop other whole wheat bread bakingcatastrophes from happening. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 3 When you heat up your water to put your yeast in, it is easy to accidentally make the water a bit too hot. This mistake will kill the yeast and your bread will not rise To correct this mistake I strongly recommend youinvest in a cooking thermometer, to measure the temperature of the water with. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 4 If the recipe you use makes too much dough for your family'sneeds and you worry that the extra bread will grow stale before you use it, fear not. It is perfectly safe to refrigerate unused dough for a few daysand allow the whole wheat bread dough to finish it's rising timeonce you get it out to use it. You can use a ziploc bag or plastic wrap over bowls that containyour whole wheat bread dough, to store it in your fridge and still prevent oxidation. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 5 Burned bread. Yup, nothing tastes worse than whole wheat breadwhich is black as charcoal. To avoid this, be sure you follow baking times and temperaturesstrictly. And again use a timer to remind yourself when it'stime to remove your whole wheat bread from the oven. Also remember that gas ovens and electric ovens vary in theirtemperatures. If you're using an electric oven you should bakealmost all pastries on 350 Fahrenheit. Sometimes a recipe will call for you to start baking a loaf ofbread on a higher temperature, but will also usually tell you to turn the heat down after a certain amount of time. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 6 Mistakenly or purposefully using the wrong type of flour. If youare baking whole wheat bread, the only way to get good results is by using whole wheat flour to bake your bread. There are different recipes for all the different types of breadand they all use one specific flour for each recipe. So don't try any substitution hoping that by adding rye flourfor instance, you will actually turn a whole wheat bread recipe into rye bread. Because you won't. Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistake 7 Last but not least there is the problem of air bubbles (alsocalled "pockets") which create large holes inside the whole wheat bread, after it's done baking. The best solution for this is to pinch any such bubbles wheneveryou see them in your whole wheat bread dough, before you bake it. This will immediately deflate the bubble. Now you are armed with the knowledge of the 7 most common wholewheat bread baking mistakes (most of which also apply to all other rising breads) and how you should deal with them. So don't let the bread mistake blues get you down ever again. Are you fed up with recipes that tell you what todo, but not HOW to do it? Beth gives step by stepinstructions on exactly how to bake your own bread and manyother food items. Visit her site now to claim your FREE subscriptionto her Baking& Recipe Tips Newsletter
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Meaning never put the oil in a cold pan and then heat it up. By heating the pan first and then adding the oil, then immediately the food, you'll have much less sticking. Furthermore if you season the pan when you first purchase it, you will have even better results. How to Bake: How Long Should My Bread Rise? It depends. The best way to tell if the dough has risen enough is not by time-though it helps to set the timer so you don't forget about your dough-but by look and feel. It will look soft and bloated. When you touch the dough, it will be soft and your finger will leave an indentation when lightly pressed against the dough. If it is not ripe, the dough will tend to slowly spring back. Working with Eggs Bad eggs are rare but they do occur. Crack eggs into a separate bowl before mixing with other ingredients. If the egg is bad it will have an unmistakeable odor. Microwave Ovens and the Healthfulness of Microwaved Food Microwave ovens do have benefits. They are certainly convenient. 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There are a six articles in this series, today we are going to look at what you can do with ham. Cooking -- What You Need To Know From ancient times till the nineteenth century cooking was basically a survival skill. The nineteenth century marked the division of cooking into two main categories. The Perfect Scone: Keys to Make Your Scone Just Right Ah, there's nothing like a tender, steaming scone in the morning. (Pronounced "skawn" like "fawn" or "scone" like "tone" ?Webster says either is okay.) They're quick, they're easy, and with a few tips, they are absolutely delectable. What is Gluten and Why does it Matter? Gluten is a substance made up of the proteins found in wheat flour that gives bread its structure, strength, and texture. Without these marvelous little proteins, bread would not be bread. It also explains why it is so hard to make bread from rice, potato, or oat flour and why wheat flour has to be added to rye flour to make bread-only wheat has enough protein. The gluten makes the bread. Making Homemade Pasta for Dinner Tonight Homemade pasta cooked al dente (to the teeth), is a chewy and light treat. Here are the simple steps to making fresh pasta for dinner tonight. Grill Your Corn for Maximum Flavor There's two basic theories on grilling corn. Some people prefer wrapping the corn in aluminum foil or its own husk, maybe with a little butter and seasonings, then cooking it on the grill until done. This is essentially roasting the corn, and while its an option it's not really grilling in my book. Corn wrapped in aluminum foil doesn't get any smoke, or char, or magic grilling vapors, or any of the other things that contribute to the unique taste of grilled food. ![]() |
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