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Coffee - How to Buy, Store, and Grind it for the Perfect Cup
In the early days of the coffee craze, before the firstStarbucks arrived in my town, I owned a tea and coffeehouse for several years. At the time, espresso wassomething new for most people, and a lot of my customershad questions. I decided to teach a class on coffee at theshop, and learned in the process that there are severalmisunderstandings about buying, storing, and grindingcoffee that when corrected can lead to a much moreenjoyable cup of coffee. True coffee connoisseurs know that buying coffee beans insmall amounts that allow you to brew your coffee within aday or two of being roasted will result in the closest to aperfect cup of java. If you keep the beans in an air-tightcontainer the flavor will remain strong for seven to tendays. Contrary to popular belief, storing beans in yourrefrigerator or freezer will actually diminish the flavor.There are two reasons for this. First, the beans will soakup the flavors of other stored items. Secondly, moistureaffects the oils in the roast. Better to store thatcontainer on the counter (in a dark, cool place, ifpossible). If you can't smell an aroma or it's unpleasant,the beans are past their prime. Soapy water can leave a residue, so when cleaning yourcoffee storage, use a dry cloth or paper towel to soak upthe oil. Clean the container regularly because oil can getrancid over time. Also, frequently clean the equipment youuse for brewing. Again, don't use soap because of theresidue. Instead use vinegar and salt and rinsethoroughly. Always grind only the amount you will use immediately.Once exposed, the oils in the beans disperse, affecting thecoffee flavor. If you grind your beans the night before youbrew your morning cup, you will be losing flavor. Switch togrinding in the morning, unless you don't want to wake yoursweetheart with the noise from the grinder. How fine orcoarse the grind should be depends on how long the hotwater will be in contact with the coffee grinds. Theshorter the length of time, the finer the grind so that thesurface area is maximized. Here are the consistencies youwill want for the different methods of brewing: Drip Brew: Grind to a character similar to table sugar ifthe drip cycles range from four to six minutes. Grind to afiner consistency if less. French Press: Use an extremely coarse grind. Espresso: Very fine, powder-like. The extraction time ofespresso should be between 25 and 30 seconds. If a oneounce extraction takes longer, use a coarser grind; if ittakes less time, grind finer. How much coffee do you grind? For brewed (and FrenchPress) coffee, three tablespoons for eight ounces of water.For espresso, an ounce (7 grams) for a single shot. Doublethat for a double shot. Time and again I heard from my customers that they had noidea what a good cup of coffee really tasted like untilafter they had followed these easy guidelines. Try it. It'sthe small things that will make your coffee drinkingexperience sublime. Professional writing coach Marilyn J. Schwader writes on arange of topics. Her articles about coffee are publishedin The News at QY Coffeethe single on-line resource for a world of news aboutcoffee. Be sure to refer to all Marilyn's articles athttp://www.qycoffee.com/
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Russian Tea drinking - The beginning It is believed history of Russian tea drinking tradition have began at 1638. Diabetes and the Preventive Power of Coffee! Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most rapidly accelerating diseases today in terms of number of people afflicted. Theories abound as to why this is the case; however, scientists are now looking at new ways to improve the overall health of those both at risk for and suffering from this disease. Pure Kona Coffee Pure Kona Coffee is gourmet coffee grown only on the Island of Hawaii. It is grown on the dark volcanic lava rock slopes of Kona which is located on the west side of the Big Island. This area is approximately one mile wide by thirty miles long. It is situated between two volcanoes, Hualalai and Manua Loa. The elevation ranges from 500 to 3000 feet. Starbucks Coffee History To summarize something as phenomenonally successful as Starbucks coffee history might be a challenge. Many volumes have been written on the subject, it is examined and taught in business schools, and whole semesters are dedicated to the marketing genius of the company. The amazing success of Starbuck's business model certainly deserves commendation if not adoration in the business world. History of Instant Coffee Mention instant coffee to any connoisseur and you are sure to get a frown of disgust. Yet, who among us hasn't, after finding the coffee tin empty, scoured the cupboard in desperation with hopes of finding a long since misplaced jar or 'hotel packet' of instant coffee? And, after sighing in relief, relished in amazement that it is still good after all those years of obscurity, abandonment and outright neglect on the dusty top shelf at the back of the pantry. You haven't? Well maybe I just like to live dangerously. How Is Kona Coffee Different? Like much of Hawaii, Kona offers ideal climate conditions for growing coffee. But there is something different about the Kona coffee cherries produced here that has earned this coffee a worldwide reputation for excellence. It might be the dark rich volcanic soil, which contains a perfect blend of acidity and minerals, and retains just the right amount of water. It could be the dependable cloud cover that rolls in each afternoon, protecting the delicate coffee trees from the glaring afternoon sun. Coffee ?Nectar of the gods About 850 A.D it is said that a lone shepherd and his flock came across a strange and mysterious plant growing upon a secluded and forgotten hillside. Before he could stop them some of his herd had began to gnaw away at this unusual berry. After about fifteen minutes or so the herder started to notice that his sheep were behaving in an odd manner. Not only were they unusually alert but they also appeared to be extremely hyperactive. Now being a little weary and extremely tired the shepherd decided to try the berries and see if the end results would be the same for him as they had been for his flock. To his pleasant surprise the shepherd began to feel wide awake and he too became very alert. After a few hours had passed along came a wandering monk who,after being informed of the plants amazing qualities proceeded to scold the poor shepherd and lecture him on his foolish indulgence. After he had finished telling the shepherd just what a sinner he had been the monk set upon his journey but not before he had added a little something to his backpack and supplies. 3 Simple Tips For Making Perfect Coffee Want to brew the perfect cup of coffee? Coffee - Is It The Most Popular Beverage Of All Time? Around 850 A.D it is thought that a lone shepherd and his sheep happened upon a strange and mysterious plant growing upon a secluded and forgotten hillside. Before he could stop them some of his herd had began to gnaw away at this unusual berry. After about fifteen minutes or so the herder started to notice that his sheep were behaving in an odd manner. Not only were they unusually alert but they also appeared to be extremely hyperactive. Now being a little weary and extremely tired the shepherd decided to try the berries and see if the end results would be the same for him as they had been for his flock. To his pleasant surprise the shepherd began to feel wide awake and he too became very alert. After a few hours had passed along came a wandering monk who,after being informed of the plants amazing qualities proceeded to scold the poor shepherd and lecture him on his foolish indulgence. After he had finished telling the shepherd just what a sinner he had been the monk set upon his journey but not before he had added a little something to his backpack and supplies. Coffee Club Membership Is A Joy For Coffee Lovers Coffee club membership is a joy for coffee lovers The coffee club concept is relatively new but is taking the world by storm. Reward yourself or your friends and relatives with coffee clubs by joining up and saving loads. Each month, you will get a shipment of coffee delivered direct to your door. This is a great way to taste new coffees, sample different varieties, find a brew that you really like and ultimately avoid a trip to the store to buy your favorite coffee. Automatic shipment is very convenient, especially if you like your coffee first thing in the morning because this means you will never run out when you need it the most. Coffee, A Brief Overview The coffee plant has two main species. There is the Coffea Arabica, which is the more traditional coffee and considered to be superior in flavor, and the Coffea Canephora known more commonly as Robusta. Robusta tends to be higher in caffeine and can be grown in climates and environments were Arabica would not be profitable. Robusta is also typically more bitter and acidic in flavor. Because of this Robusta tends to be less expensive. High quality Robusta is also used to blend espresso for more bite, and to lower costs. Mocha Coffee: Learn About the Source and Try Our Recipes for Making Great Mochas Depending on how we look at it, mocha coffee may be the tall drink made of coffee, cocoa and milk, often served with cream or, on the other hand mocha coffee may refer to the source. A Little Secret Your Dentist Doesnt Want You To Know Most dentist, particular those who specialize in cosmetic dentistry love it when you drink coffee & tea. Why? Your making them wealthy! Because all coffees and teas contain tannic acid. Tannic acid, the bitter compound in coffee and all forms of tea can cause yellow or brown stains when it combines with other particles on your teeth. English Coffee With English Tea being a very familiar term, English coffee may seem as contrary a term as Arctic bananas; however, England's impact on the coffee trade and the world of business is undeniable. The history of English coffee began in 1650 at Oxford University when a Lebanese immigrant opened the first coffeehouse on campus. Italian Roast Coffee For An Authentic Espresso One of the things people think of with Italy is it's coffee. In fact Italian roast coffee is perfect for bringing a touch of Europe to your home. Can 50 million plus Italians all be wrong? Well, with Italian roast you can't go wrong either. Try the Tradition of Turkish Coffee and Taste the Difference The Europeans got their first taste of Turkish Coffee, and coffee in general from the Ottoman Turks, who brought coffee to the West. They were great coffee drinkers, both at home and in public houses, the forerunners of our cafés, which started to spring up across the Islamic countries. Turkish coffee became part of the Turks life and was known as the "Wine of Islam" and the "Milk of Chess Players and Thinkers". Make the Switch! Coffee to Tea Having a hard time giving up your 4 cups of coffee each day? Evidence shows by switching to tea you can add some significant health benefits. The health benefit of drinking tea is chalked up to one explanation, antioxidants. Research shows that green and black teas have up to 8-10 times the antioxidants as fruits and vegetables which can add significantly to your health. Tips For Choosing The Perfect Travel Mug A good travel mug is a must when you need to take your coffee or tea with you on the road. There are many different types of mugs available, so here are a few tips to consider before you purchase one. La Minita Coffee ? It?s in the Green Beans La Minita; Spanish for "The Little Gold Mine" says it all. La Minita is arguably the best coffee in the world and is sipped by the who's who in the specialty coffee industry as well as by those of us who have access to it in our businesses. Similar to the wine industry, the best coffees are not always the most expensive. There are many factors involved in determining the final price of a coffee, unfortunately the quality of the bean is only one of them. 10 Timeless Tips to a Perfect Cup of Coffee Few quests in human history have so captivated men and women from around the world than the search for the perfect cup of coffee. Yes, believe it or not, coffee connoisseurs have dedicated entire lifetimes in the pursuit of finding that one cup of the most heavenly coffee ever made. If you're like most people, however, you're just looking for an easy way to make a great-tasting cup of coffee to help get you started in the morning. The following 10 Timeless Tips to a Perfect Cup of Coffee should help you on you your mini-quest. ![]() |
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