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Find A Job In A Fast Growing Field Using Labor Market Information For Your State
The question confronting most people who want to find a job is "what's a good paying job with growth potential?" At one time, the Conestoga wagon building trade boomed as people joined the wagon trains heading west. Today, the boom is long gone and those wanting to find a job with a future will most likely wish to stay away from such a field. So how can you find a job that will reasonably be expected to thrive in the future either in your home state or the state in which you choose to reside? One key is through using Labor Market Information to research potential jobs as you create a long term plan to find the job you feel is ideal for your skills and interests. Your first step to find a job with potential is to use the free service available at "America's Career InfoNet" a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. To find a job with growth potential in your state, visit this state by state database. (This opens in a new window so you will not lose the instructions on how to find a job with potential on this page when you click the link!) After you've searched for a particular state - we'll use Alabama as an example - here's what you'll find... 1) Basic demographic information under these headings: (Again, these are for Alabama.) Demographic Information: 2001 Population 4,468,900 2002 Labor Force 2,102,800 2002 Unemployment Rate 5.9% 2002 Median Household Income $37,600 2001 Per Capita Income $24,500 You'll be able to see how the state ranks nationally and you'll be able to check unemployment rates by county just to know what you're up against in your job search for a particular county! 2) The next step to find a job in a growing occupation is to choose the kind of growth occupation you have in mind. Your options will be... Fastest growing occupations Occupations with the most openings Occupations with the largest employment Occupations with declining employment Highest paying occupations At this point in your career search you'll also be asked to choose the level of education you're willing to achieve to enhance your income. The options listed are... Overall Requiring only work experience or on-the-job training Requiring post-secondary training or an associate's degree Requiring a bachelor's degree or higher Click the appropriate button to make your selections and then you can hit "search" to find a job with growth potential. In this case we'll select "Fastest growth" and "overall" educational requirements. When you search to find a job with these criteria, you'll receive results based on the fastest growth in sheer number of jobs and you'll receive listings that may require no education beyond high school up to jobs requiring a two year community college or vocational school training program or 4 year bachelor's degree. What do you see when you do the job information search? You see the first 25 of (for Alabama) 513 fastest growing jobs as determined by the number of jobs that will be available between 2000 and 2010. As might be expected the job with the highest growth prospects for Alabama is computer software engineering and applications. By clicking on the job itself you find the "Occupation Report" for that state. You'll learn a wealth of information about this particular job and be able to watch an online job video showing you just what a particular job involves. Since you want to find a job with good income potential, you'll see - on average - the kind of money people in this job make in the particular state and nationwide based on government labor market information. Now let's try to find a job that's in the "Highest Paying" category but only requiring a 2 year training program at the most. What job's come up? Hint: They'll be listed by the highest pay expressed (when possible) as an HOURLY wage and then an ANNUAL WAGE for the job you find in Hourly/Annual format. For Alabama (the answer may vary for your state) the Top 10 are: 1 Commercial Pilots N/A /$59,100 2 Computer Specialists, All Other $24.52/$51,000 3 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay $23.59/$49,100 4 Radiation Therapists $22.67/$47,200 5 Electrical and Electronics Drafters $22.02/$45,800 6 Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians $21.98/$45,700 7 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians $21.71/$45,200 8 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate $21.16/$44,000 9 Ship Engineers $21.13/$44,000 10 Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers $20.79/$43,200 Again, you can click on the job titles you find and go directly to an occupational report. By using Labor Market Information, you can find a job with high growth potential, high wages, and usually a training requirement that involves only 2 years of training or less beyond high school. Remember, you do not necessarily need a traditional 4 year degree to find a job with high growth potential. You DO need specific skills however not more "underwater basket weaving courses" at college that are unrelated to a specific field. 4 year degrees are nice and even graduate degrees are important to find a job in some fields. But increasingly, 2 year specialized programs are dominating the field as far as improving wages. About The Author Chuck Huckaby is the webmaster for http://1stHowToWorkAtHome.com and http://LayOffNews.com to help people take control of their career and not be victimized by the dramatic changes occuring in the U.S. Economy!
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12 Steps to Targeting Success in Your Career or Job Search Is your job search sagging? Are you still looking for that ideal next job? Or are you about to begin looking for new work and are not sure of the best way to go about it? What you need is a way to evaluate your job search strategies to see whether or not they are working effectively for you. How To Write The Perfect Cover Letter: Be Brief--And Be Gone! The best cover letters are 'one-page wonders.' Why? Because they suit today's busy employers who are already overloaded and often overwhelmed. The best way to catch their attention is to 'be brief?and be gone.' Leave them wanting more?so they'll call you for an interview?which is just what you hope for. Write a letter that makes your point about the job you want, displays your enthusiasm, and clearly asks for the opportunity to meet in person. Cover Letters Cover Letters: Are you telling them what they want to know? How To Receive Payment as a Freelance Translator? A problem most freelance translators are facing with is how to receive payment. In particular: How to receive payment for small jobs. Many translation agencies are reluctant to pay small fees via wire transfer due to the transaction fees; often they will send you a check instead. And I suppose I don't have to tell you: The banks charge an enormous commission when you come and want to cash in your check. Rekindling Passion for Work Passion comes in many forms. I'm focused on the version of passion that is "boundless enthusiasm". Looking up enthusiasm in the dictionary, I learned it is derived from the Greek root entheos, which means inspired by god. Hmmm, boundless inspiration by god! When's the last time you experienced your work or career that way? Not lately? Never? Read on! You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression There is no easy way to define exactly what editors, publishers, PR managers, non-profit directors, advertising executives, and other industry professionals want from writers. Take Charge of Your Job Search: 12 Steps to Success Despite what many people may say, a job search does not have to be an unpleasant experience. There are those people who choose to take charge of the process, who actually find the process to be very rewarding and stimulating. Conducting a job search is in many ways a self discovery process and an opportunity to put your true endurance and attitude skills to the test. Top 5 Tips for College Grads Entering the Working World 1) Build a Relationship With Your Boss: Employment Law: Attendance Rewards - Legal Ramifications If you were thinking of offering your employees special rewards as incentives for having good attendance records, then you must read on. In fact, employers that offer attendance bonuses may find themselves falling foul of the law. Job Hunting Tips: Staying Active Unemployment is depressing: financial pressures stress you out, looking for work is humiliating, and your fragile self-confidence reels under the blows of indifference and rejection. The Surefire Way To Getting A Pay Raise If you are working for someone else, it is important to remember this fact: No one gives you a raise, you must earn it. You've got to prove you are worth the additional money you are asking for. And, you must do this in a professional, business-like, and diplomatic way. You do this by completing salary research and having the facts straight in terms of your worth and the additional value you bring to the table. This may mean that you are not ready to ask for a raise tomorrow. But, taking the extra time, preparation, and effort necessary to ensure that you are eligible for a raise is really the only way you are going to get one. Also, when asking for a raise, it is best to stick to business, rather than personal, reasons. It is not fair to your employer to ask for a raise "because Sally needs new braces" or "because you need to pay for Billy's trip to Europe next summer." Stick to the business facts of why you deserve the raise. Following is an effective three-step process to getting the raise you deserve. Ten Great Careers For Computer ?Geeks The universal acceptance of computers into our daily lives, both at work and at home, has decreased the image of computer users as being "geeks." The word geek itself has evolved a bit - going from meaning a socially inept person who gets along better with computers than people, to someone who is an expert with computers, a guru even. In fact, many computer service companies utilize the name geek in their nomenclature because of this new meaning. Youre Fired! One-day you're minding your own business and your boss comes in and says "You're Fired", perhaps he was a bit more polite than that but the end result was the same, you're now out of work!! Telecommuting Resumes Your resume needs to outline your skills and experience, as most know. What some may not know is that employers want to know what you'll bring to the table. They don't want to know what your daily duties were. They want to know what you did for the companies you worked for that makes you extraordinary. Did you save them money, did you make them money, how were you the best at what you did, etc. Yes, employers want to know what your experience is, so duties are good to add. Again, the name of the game is SELL YOURSELF! This does not lose its importance in a resume. 3 Cover Letter Secrets Revealed Writing a cover letter can be like cleaning your garage -- you don't know where to start ... and you just want it done. Hospital Staff at Great Risk of Attack and Injury Whilst at Work There are millions of people working extremely hard every day in the UK to ensure that the public are healthy and recover from illness or accidents. Countless medical staff around the country study hard to become doctors and nurses and then work long hours and endure stressful situations in order to save the lives of men women and children every day. These people are present day saints and have chosen the caring professions because they genuinely want to help others. Sadly though, their efforts sometimes are not appreciated. Do More than Expected to Get Ahead One of the best things you can do to increase your career advancement opportunities where you work is to do more than expected. Can You Compete? Are you looking to hire the best talent? Are you thinking about adding a new employee who will significantly impact millions of dollars in YOUR business? Do you want to hire the best? Then you need to show and convince your next hire that you are serious about him joining your team. Bringing Our Family to Work Let's face it, most of us consider professional success and personal success the same. Career Search from Within Seeking meaningful and fulfilling work can become a discouraging, confusing and overwhelming journey. Beware spending too much time looking for your answers outside of yourself. Ultimately, coming to know our right livelihood is the inner work of our whole being. ![]() |
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