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Book Review: The NEW Game Of Business
If you think you've seen and heard everything there is to say, The NEW Game of Business brings new distinctions and a fresh perspective to the world of business. This slim, easy-to-read soft cover book is so good that it should be required reading in business schools around the world. Every entrepreneur and every company employee, from the janitor to the CEO should read and reread this book. The author's quote in Chapter Five quite nicely summarizes the topic of this book. Mitchell Axelrod says this "I help you get from where you are, to where you want to be." The new game in town is that of reciprocity and no longer does the businessperson with the most toys win. Consumers are tired of turning on the television every day to more bad news about badly run businesses. Corruption and scandal seem to rule the day and all this negativity takes a toll on the economy and well being of those who sell and those who buy. Mitchell Axelrod advises that thinking outside the box is so outdated that businesses need to throw away the box entirely and begin playing "The NEW Game of Business." This game is inclusive rather than exclusive and it is based upon service. Reading this book will help teach you the value of throwing out the old rules and writing a new script for a new game. A game where everyone wins. The chapters of this book include: Play by the New Rules... "Caveat Vendidor!" Design a New Strategy... It's NOT just Business; It's Personal!, Practice New Economics... Good Deals are Good Business!, Seek a New Mission... Put People Ahead of Products and Profits!, Send a New Message... What Business Are YOU In?, Chant a New Mantra... "Serve, Deliver, Serve Some More!", Find New Solutions... Don't Fall in Love with Products or Services!, Acquire New Skills... Master the Tools of the Game!, Build A New Model... Integrate or Disintegrate! and Generate New Money... Profit is EVERYBODY'S Business! The material covers everything a reader needs to know about generating a profit while gaining lifelong customers and keeping loyal and happy employees. Apply these proven principles used by companies such as Nordstrom and Starbucks and you will find your business growing exponentially while you achieve your dreams! Mitchell Axelrod is a consultant, professional speaker, talk show radio host and frequently published author on the topics of marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, life skills and playing the new game. For over twenty-five years Mitch has been consulting with Fortune 500 companies, banks, insurance companies, small businesses and individuals on how to boost income, increase sales and profits while deriving more fun, fulfillment and satisfaction from work. You can purchase The NEW Game Of Business at http://www.TheNewGame.com (c) 2004, Davis Virtual Assistance. All rights in all media reserved. Permission to reprint granted to all venues so long as the venue is opt-in only. About The Author Bonnie Jo Davis is a Virtual Assistant, author of the e-book Articles That Sell and webmaster of the Articles That Sell Center. To sign-up for her free monthly e-zine visit http://www.ArticlesThatSell.com/newsletter.htm Bonnie@DavisVirtualAssistance.com
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Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005 Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high, Book Review: Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands {How To Do Business In Sixty Countries} Kiss, Bow, Or Shake Hands:How To Do Business In Sixty CountriesBy Terri Morrison, Wayne A. Conaway, George A. Borden, and Hans Koehler Mathew and the Highland Rescue - Book Review "A stimulating adventure! Sabine Muir has written a wonderful children's story that can be read many, many times. This is a time-travel, Christian fantasy novel that reminds me a little bit of one of my favorite childhood books, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. Create Your Own Future - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Create Your Own Future: How to Master 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success by Brian Tracy Book review on Finite Capacity Scheduling, Part II Now add ten more car wash trucks, with the corresponding work to be done and add two more shifts to each truck to achieve maximum capacity and what do you have? 12 hours worth of scenario scheduling and moving around resources to see what fits best. What if a computer did it in 20 minutes? It can you know. Even though Swartzkoff has an IQ of 165 it does not mean he does not need to use the finite capacity scheduling methods to help him arrive at the most efficient scenario. It just so happens that it will work and he can use his brainpower to decide which scenario will work based on his knowledge of human motivation which may or may not be computer ready, based on the battle at hand. Another reason why it is not such a bad idea to send unmanned fighter planes into a battle zone to fight and why it is necessary to have a missile defense system set up at our perimeters. FCS scheduling works in all the tests our strategic team has placed on it from a Blitz marketing mission to a customer response system for services real time using e-commerce. FED Ex does use a finite capacity approach to overnight package delivery. It does not look like one on the surface yet it most certainly is. As teams of people use all resources at hand and move the flow real time to the next job as completed. All with such precision that it is truly predictable to schedule. Impossible? Go to Memphis at midnight and take the $200.00 tour. Every President of the US should go see it once. Every executive of every company who wants to be here in five years ought to see it. Few companies do it as well as Fed Ex. I believe the FCS model taken to its fullest could actually increase the Fed Ex system, although at first glance it would be hard to believe that anything could be more efficient than that. Los Angeles City Re-writes Free Car Wash Fundraiser E-Book The City of Los Angeles Storm Water Program has recently re-written the Detail Guy's Founder's Car Wash Fundraiser book to promote non-polluting fundraising events. The run-off from car wash fundraisers can hurt the environment with all those soapy suds. The City of Los Angeles has strict National Pollution Discharge Elimination System procedures as required by the Environmental Protection Agency. If you run a non-profit group and you are looking to raise funds anywhere in the United States, this free online E-Book is made available thru the City of Los Angeles. The Storyteller, Volume I - A Must Read Book The StorytellerNew Book Offers Supernatural Tales Involving Everyday People Looking for Harvey Weinstein Book Review Brassy, ballsy and full of energy. Who Moved My Cheese? For Teens - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Who Moved My Cheese? For Teens by: Spencer Johnson, M.D. For Fans of Seinfeld-like Coincidences Isn't That Bigamy (c) 2005, ISBN 1411634241, Mike Vogel, Lulu Press Be the Captain of Your Lifes Ship In his book, "Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity," author David Whyte explores the concept of work from an internal perspective and how work allows us to become the individuals that we are. He refers to the works of the well-known poet and engraver, William Blake. Whyte uses the analogy of a ship crossing unknown seas to illustrate how we need to be the captains of our vessels. Through a variety of analogies, Wyte has presented work from a different perspective and one that allows us to explore our own potential and how we can better leverage that potential within that area of our life we call work. Review: Profit From The Author Inside You I've reviewed a number of eBooks recently, and none of themexcited me, but this one definitely did. If you've ever hadthe slightest desire to write a 'How To' book, I urge youto read 'Profit From The Author Inside You'. The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation - A Book Summary Everything an individual or company does or produces contributes to its reputation. Reputation is an intangible asset, but a very important one. In some ways it is even better than having money in the bank, but not as easily quantified. The Birth of I Confess I dreamed since I was fourteen years old to spend most of my existence writing. I began reading at this time, and reading became my passion. I knew this was the vocation for me. I wanted to continue to read and then write that best selling novel. Atlanta Pastor Releases Book Of Life Local Atlanta Pastor known for his charity work such as feeding the homeless, at risk youth and giving toys to children at Christmas time is releasing his first book entitled "Diary OF A Shattered Spirit". Pastor Adams says that this book will address some of the struggles and stresses that plaque our society today. This book touches on many personal struggles that people just don't want to talk about. This book gives an account of many trials that the Pastor has experienced in his childhood through adulthood and through the years of his ministry. Book Summary : The E-Myth Revisited Ever wonder why most small businesses-- no matter how huge effort they put in their endeavor--still fail? Micheal Gerber reveals the answers in this book. Accordingly, the future of small businesses revolve in only three philosophies: the e-myth (entrepreneurial myth), the turn-key revolution, and the business development process. Going Deeper - Book Review Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven is certainly a nicely presented, hard-cover book. This fiction fantasy has an obvious inclination to aid readers who are embarking on their personal spiritual quest. Pausing To Catch My Breath - Book Review "Debra Warren has appropriately titled her book of poetry 'Pausing to Catch My Breath'. The pages depict this mother and grandmother as someone who I would personally love to sit across from at a kitchen table with a huge pot of tea and talk for hours. Unspoken Dreams - Book Review "Carol Bennett writes a stunning mystery-thriller. Her chilling entrance is one I have encountered only rarely in a book. Here, we have a victim who looks like he had been swarmed by bees in the middle of a storm, but the reader is lead to believe that it was something much more ominous and that it is about to get worse. Health Is Internal Beauty Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at: http://www.beautifulonraw.com ![]() |
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