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Star - Book Review
Tom Peters crafted a moving, educational animal adventure story in his novel Star. This is a dog-lover's fiction - written for a young adult audience. Any young person who loves animals, or wants to own a dog should read this book. Without preaching, Tom enlightens humans to the plight of dogs. He brings understanding to how they see things and why they behave the way they do. The most moving moral to the story for me was shown through the main character (a dog named Star) whose owners had school, work, play and friends ? while Star has only them. It really puts their world into perspective. I was torn and sorrowed by the incidents in the kennel and animal shelter. If I have not been donating enough to these shelters before, I will most certainly endeavor do so now. Star is a courageous, loving lab-rottweiler cross who goes through many adventures from being 'rescued' from a puppy mill, abandoned in a forest, being stolen by a trucker and used by jewelry thieves. Star ensures a place in the readers heart through his self-less rescue of a little boy and his generous, loving heart. I do not think a reader could put down this book without being moved by the great heart that Star displayed repeatedly. There are many lessons here for young adults from the dangers in the world, to the plight of pets and the strength of love. ISBN#: 1553521927 ~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.
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The Red Hourglass: Lives of the Predators, by Gordon Grice The black widow spider is notorious for eating her mate as they copulate, but how many of us know much more than that about this beautiful, mysterious, spider? The Cranberry Bog - Book Review "Scott Underhill takes readers on a stimulating, emotional ride in his book The Cranberry Bog, an environmental suspense novel. Environment Engineer, Jeff Ridge works for the Environment Protection Agency. He and his co-worker, Tara Clemens, are walking on eggshells around an unusual assignment after being called into investigate tainted water at a Bed and Breakfast owned by Joshua and Debra Klickman. Jeff and Tara are quickly exposed to the 'small town syndrome' ? everyone knows everyone else's business. Albany, NY Family History Reference Now Available Thanks To Author Joseph Yakel "Personal research references, especially for families who once lived in the South End area of Albany, are very difficult to come by", said Yakel. "Lower Albany had a very strong mix of European immigrants, especially Germans, throughout the 19th century. These were spirited, hard working people, that helped to build the city's distinction through their values and all kinds of family run businesses", he explained. "Unfortunately, unlike other parts of the city, such as the Central Avenue thoroughfare and the downtown district of Pearl Street, documentation relative to much of the South End, especially around the Second Avenue area, is far and few between." What Color Is Your Parachute? - A Book Summary The best-selling job-hunter's bible for decades, this indispensable resource is a complete handbook for peoplewho are on a quest to find their mission in life, or at the very least, the next good job that will put food on the table. Whether you are a fresh graduate, never finished a degree, or are searching for your deeper calling after many years of work, this is the book for you. You may need a temporary job, but the book strongly suggests a major life-changing one! Pastoral Theology: Essentials of Ministry Book Review Author: Thomas C. OdenPaperback: 384 pages Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco; 1st ed edition (May 1, 1983) Language: English ISBN: 0060663537 Book Release: Ginas Poems - Adventures in Love Book Release: Gina's Poems -- Adventures in LoveWritten & illustrated by Siegfried J. HegerISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901e-mail info@yosoypublishing.com Silent Lies - Book Review "Silent Lies is an action romance saga, that takes the reader through decades of a tumultuous time between the end of World War I and the beginnings of World War II. Excellent and intelligent use of actual historical events makes this piece both educational and entertaining. Jesus and the Gnostic Cathars These are some of the highlights of a connected story of Milesian/Phocaean/ Phoenician architects who allow 'his'-story to confuse the masses. It is still going on and we must try to change it. There was a better time if one is concerned for freedom and ethics, and there is no Malthusian 'one pie' to worry about. Creative potential can develop new pies! Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005 Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high, Living in Darkness - Book Review Award winning author John Roynesdal, is a retired English teacher who has written for more than 15 years and produced 3 books for his Phillip Michael Carnegie Mystery series. Throughout the series, John focuses on issues that prevail on mankind: greed, prejudice, poverty, dysfunctional families and the conflict between traditional and modern societies. Living in Darkness, a 265-page mystery novel, is the third book in this series. A Ghost in Cornwall This land is my memories. For two thousand years this valley has been mine alone. Book review on Finite Capacity Scheduling, Part III With this all possible the price could be lowered to a back breaking competitive level giving lower prices to consumers who voted with their dollars while retaining a huge number of proficient hours each time period. It is amazing that with all the freight forwarding software, inventory software, manufacturing scheduling software that no one sees the obvious uses to streamline services. Look at a Taxi Cab company, police dispatch, air traffic controller, train master at a rail yard with trains moving all directions and many 300 miles away all converging and departing simultaneously. Or the Phoenix missile system used by the government which when put onto an F-14 could track and kill 8 target 150 miles away moving at almost any speed in and direction on a three dimensional plane. Ever wonder why no F-15 has ever been shot down in combat? Even a gondola wire could not stop it, it always wins. So is it safe to say that when you have the best of everything that the odds are stacked so far in your favor that knowing the percentages is irrelevant to the game. All that needs to happen is to set fire in motion. The Road of Silk: Book Review "The Road of Silk is an adventure fantasy, with mystical and magical elements and a high energy feel to it that any reader will enjoy. Although this novel is written for an adult audience, I believe anyone over the age of 10 could easily become immersed in its pages. This is a co-written work between Matt Afsahi and Barbara Dysonwilliams, who have written many of their own books in the past. In The Road of Silk, they successfully combined their wide range of knowledge in journalism, art, archaeology, literature and languages into a wonderful piece of work. Atlanta Pastor Releases Book Of Life Local Atlanta Pastor known for his charity work such as feeding the homeless, at risk youth and giving toys to children at Christmas time is releasing his first book entitled "Diary OF A Shattered Spirit". Pastor Adams says that this book will address some of the struggles and stresses that plaque our society today. This book touches on many personal struggles that people just don't want to talk about. This book gives an account of many trials that the Pastor has experienced in his childhood through adulthood and through the years of his ministry. The Rich Jerk Review: New Agressive and Effective Internet Marketing Methods for All The Rich Jerk "Making Money on the internet is Easy" e-book Review Primal Leadership - A Book Summary Primal leadership takes center stage in this book. This concept goes beyond the set of conventional competencies on the making of a leader. Beyond bottom line figures, this book takes a leap forward with the concept of primal leadership through a keen and in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence and its link to leading and building emotionally intelligent organizations. Give a Little - Book Review This 310 page saga is Scott Underhill's second superbly written novel. I have had the pleasure of reviewing both of his books - and they are equally outstanding, yet profoundly different pieces of fiction. Review: Profit From The Author Inside You I've reviewed a number of eBooks recently, and none of themexcited me, but this one definitely did. If you've ever hadthe slightest desire to write a 'How To' book, I urge youto read 'Profit From The Author Inside You'. Free Ebook Offer: The Story of America: Discovery - Article 3 Quite a lot happened in Europe between 1002AD, when the Vikings hurriedly packed their longships and retreated back to the colder climes of Greenland, and 1492AD, when the Spanish caravels, with Columbus so confident at the helm, accidentally stumbled across the forgotten continent. Los Angeles City Re-writes Free Car Wash Fundraiser E-Book The City of Los Angeles Storm Water Program has recently re-written the Detail Guy's Founder's Car Wash Fundraiser book to promote non-polluting fundraising events. The run-off from car wash fundraisers can hurt the environment with all those soapy suds. The City of Los Angeles has strict National Pollution Discharge Elimination System procedures as required by the Environmental Protection Agency. If you run a non-profit group and you are looking to raise funds anywhere in the United States, this free online E-Book is made available thru the City of Los Angeles. ![]() |
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