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Book Summary: Networking For Professional Success
Book Summary:
We are all "self-employed" now. Today there is absolutely no job security. We are living in an age of corporate downsizing, and freelance consultants, or self-employed workers are growing by the day. Networking is one skill you need to practice to get ahead and survive these uncertain times. Wisdom in a Nutshell: The 3 key networking techniques are: Building your network is an ongoing process. You need to increase your range of contacts constantly. Planning your campaign: Building Network partners: How to grow and refresh your network: How to find targeted individuals: Reaching targets through network partners: Reaching targets directly: Your opening line: How to be visible without really trying: About The Author By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla http://www.bizsum.com/freearticle2.htm "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs BusinessSummaries is a BusinessSummaries.com service. (c) Copyright 2001-2002, BusinessSummaries.com - Wisdom In A Nutshell
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However, over the years there have been a few texts written that are infamous for their no holds barred practical content. This includes classics such as Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, Baltasar Gracian's The Art of World Wisdom, and the works of Han Fei Tzu. Free Ebook Offer: The Story of America: Discovery Did Columbus first discover America? Geeks & Geezers - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Geeks & Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders by Warren G. Bennis & Robert J. Thomas Jason Seeleys War - Book Review "Jason Seeley's War" is centered in the heart of a small American town where two youth are deeply in love, and have been since high-school. Jason and Natalie's love runs with a flexible strength that endures her recovery from a horrible drug addiction. A very promising athlete and student, Jason is welcomed to University, but Natalie won't let him go without extracting a promise from him to stay faithful to the love of his life. This promise ? he meant to keep. But then the Vietnam War happened and Jason was assigned a draft number just before graduation. He knew government agents were about to collect. Second Eden Book Review "Carlton Austin has crafted a wonderful piece of work in Second Eden - an action-packed suspense thriller with a little romance and some elements of science fiction. Its beautifully designed cover incorporates gorgeous images depicting scenes within the plot and the book is available in both hard and soft cover. I recommend the hard cover, folks. This book is sure to be one that you keep among your favorite authors on your bookshelves. Second Eden is destined for a talented director to take big screen fans on its roller-coaster ride. The Southwest Airlines Way - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Over the years, several books and countless magazine and newspaper articles have been written about Southwest Airlines. Numerous MBA programs highlight the Southwest structure, its culture, its CEO, its low fares and other reasons as to why it is the bright spot in an otherwise dismally performing industry. Fortune magazine calls Southwest Airlines "the most successful airline in history." With a market value greater than the rest of the U.S. airline industry combined, Southwest Airlines is an amazing company with amazing management practices. No one, however, has completely captured the real explanation of why Southwest succeeds. What is the Emperor Wearing - A Book Summary What is the Emperor Wearing? Blues Clues for Success - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review Blue's Clues for Success: The 8 Secrets Behind A Phenomenal Business by Diane Tracy The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation - A Book Summary Everything an individual or company does or produces contributes to its reputation. Reputation is an intangible asset, but a very important one. In some ways it is even better than having money in the bank, but not as easily quantified. ![]() |
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