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How Often Should A One-Month Baby Go for Check Up?
What happen during the first month of your newborn, does your baby need check up? In the first weeks after birth, your newborn begins a series of routine check ups. These are called well child visits. All healthcare professions have individual approaches to the timing and frequencies of these visits. In general, you should take your baby for a checkup within a week after delivery and thereafter, one or two visits during the first month as recommended by your doctor. During the well child visits, the doctor will perform the following: ? Measure weight, length, and head circumference of the baby. The doctor will plot these measurements on a growth chart for comparison of previous and later markings to ensure normal, expected growth of your baby. These routine well child visits will assure you about your baby's progress and give you the opportunity to ask questions concerning your child's care. How do I choose the best doctor for my newborn? Some parents are familiar with their pediatric practitioner even before they become pregnant, while most, especially the first time parents are not. If you were unaware of the doctor and service, you would like to avail for your coming baby, do not get overwhelmed and relax! With a little hard work, you will be able to reach a pediatrician you can rely on and respect. However, commence your search well in advance of your delivery. An optimal way to do it is to seek the names of pediatricians from your reliable sources, which may be your obstetrician, gynecologist, midwife or even relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbors with kids who share your parenting and perspectives. You may consider asking them the questions like, "Do their kids respond well to the doctor?", "Is the doctor an experienced pediatrician?", "Does he have knowledge of recent medical advances?", "Does she welcome your queries and take time to discuss them?" Once you are ready with your list of potential pediatricians, start interviewing them, preferably in person, as it gives you a feel of their style, how they run their office, what the staff and nurses are like and if you feel comfortable with them. Ideally, you should accomplish this task about three months before you are due and take your birth plan along. You may address the following queries to the doctor in the interview: ? Is she is licensed by the state, in which she practices? While you interview the doctor, pay attention to how well she considers your needs. And also if you feel comfortable with her or not. Your choice of the doctor should be the one who best meets all these criteria! Amy Fadden, author of "Newborn Guide, Nursing A Baby in Its First Month." Visit her Website at http://www.newbornbaby101.infoand http://www.newborndevelopment101.info
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Baby Shower for Twins (Or More) Peas in a Pod Baby shower for twins or multiples can be given when the mother-to-be is expecting twins or more. Having twins is twice as nice. But it's also twice as much work and twice as expensive. Fortunately for Moms expecting twins or multiples, there is usually someone willing to throw a baby shower to help ease the strain on the wallet. Bye-Bye Bottle It's finally time. My child is old enough to be drinking from a cup; a sippy, if not an open-mouthed one. I reason that we've been making the switch for some time-after all, it is only milk that is served in a bottle. Juice comes from a sippy cup or a juice-box-we've even learned to get all of the juice out of the box without spilling or squeezing. But alas, it's time for us to change the way we consume liquids. TEA for TWO, For BABY and YOU! Baby Rooibos Tea is naturally good for your baby. It is an anti-allergic nutritional supplementary drink and is suitable for babies from birth. 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The only comfort that can be offered is, with 1 in 5 babies developing colic, many other parents are suffering too and that by the time the baby is four months old the problem normally disappears. A Surprise Baby Shower Can Be the Perfect Way to Celebrate Throwing a surprise baby shower doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it can be fun for all involved. All it takes is a little patience, a few basic steps, and the cooperation of friends and family. Finding the Right Baby Soap for Your Babys Skin Baby Soap Baby Strollers Tips and Advice You have just learned that you are expecting a bundle of joy and now you need to begin getting the things your baby will need. If this is your first baby all the decisions you need to make may seem overwhelming at first.One of the biggest purchases you will need to make is about the type of stroller you will use for your baby. Should a Toddler Wear Pull-Ups While Potty Training As a parent, you've learned a lot while your child moved from being an infant, to crawling, to the mobile stage of an active toddler. Now that they are older, and able to understand simple directions and associations, you're working towards the goal of "no more diapers". You'll get lots of tips and advice, some of which is valuable, and some that will leave you undecided about things like should a toddler wear pull-ups while potty training? Baby Bedding Wants Vs. Bedding Baby Needs If you walk into any baby store or online baby site you will find a multitude of styles and designs of baby bedding available. There is something for every nursery décor ever thought of by a new mother. If it's animals you want, there's everything from apes to zebras. If you want an angel motif, there are a hundred styles of angels. If you want nursery rhymes, just pick one and you will find a matching motif. 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When Your Wee One Goes Wee Wee Well After reading several books about potty training (my son was a little tyke pre-Internet) and having little success, I found some helpful information tucked way in the back of a woman's magazine's classified section. How To Deal With Toddler Temper Tantrums It's one of the few things your child can do that will make your cringe. A high-pitched, eardrum shattering, teeth grinding scream that goes on and on and on. Sometimes to the accompaniment of heels beating on the floor, or fists on the wall. You may have to duck as the toys start flying, because your toddler is having a temper tantrum. ![]() |
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