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How to Create Professional Audio Books from Scratch
My name is Alan Twigg and I'm writing this article to offer advice to anyone thinking of creating their own professional audio books. In the New Year I came up with the idea of creating professional children's stories and offering them for download on the internet. The thing was, however, while I had someone to write the stories - my mother - and someone to market the stories ? me, I knew nobody who knew about how to record the stories professionally. I knew it must be reasonably easy, since I only wanted to create an audio book containing speech. I started doing research on Google - but all the articles I found contained so much technical gobbledygook ? I was soon put off. So I went to my local music store for advice on what to buy. I decided to use my computer to create the audio books and this is what I bought: 1 microphone stand 1 pop-screen (that's a piece of material that is placed just in front of the microphone to stop your "Ps" from popping) 1 studio microphone 1 software program (Wavelab) 1 USB Audio/MIDI interface (TASCAM US 122 with phantom power) 1 pair of heaphones It all came to 650 euros (800) dollars. I connected my Audio/MIDI interface (this is basically a really good sound card in an external case) to my computer using the USB cable provided. I then set up my microphone and attached the microphone cable to the MIDI interface. After installing the software, I was ready to go. The results have been great and I find Wavelab software powerful and incredibly easy to use. Some Audio Book recording tips I first get my entire copy ready before starting the recording. I pin the sheets of paper with the text that I am going to read in front of me onto the wall. Then, at about 8 inches away from the microphone, I start to talk. The more natural you can be the more interesting you will sound to your listeners. I found that the best thing to do is to stand in front of the microphone and make gestures in the same way as you would when talking to a close friend. If you stand there stiff like a statue, you'll come across in the same way in your recording. Another thing that I like to do before starting the recording is to get myself into a really good mood. Again, this will add to the impact of your recording. I always listen to a few uplifting songs and get enthusiastic before starting. You should also try to make sure that you keep the same distance from the microphone. And that's it ? I hope that this article will save you a little bit of time setting up your own home recording studio and I wish lots of success with your audio books. The author of this article is Alan Twigg. My business is Playtime books, which offers new and contemporary audio books for the 3 to 10-year-old age group. You will find this site at http://www.playtime-books.com.
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Jingles - What Constitutes A Successful Jingle Campaign? What constitutes a successful jingle campaign? In this article we will examine and listen to 4 successful jingle campaigns and look for key ingredients to their success. How To Record Streaming Audio, Internet Radio And When it comes to music on the Internet, you have two legal choices: you can stream tracks, or you can purchase them as individual downloads. Internet Radio: A Sanctuary in the Rubbish Tip The internet, it's a whole world of information and entertainment, but every day it fills up just that extra bit more with complete trash. At every corner, popups, banner ads, viruses, spyware, the list goes on, well I've had enough and I'm sure you share my opinion. WAV; Useful Applications; Recording Your Tapes or L.P.s to CD My first article about digital recording that I have had published in various places on the net for some time, talks about the two main audio formats midi. and wav. What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site How Audio can Influence Sales Alternatives to MP3 Although MP3 is the most popular format for encoding music, it is by no means the only one. There are two basic methods for compressing audio ? lossless and lossy, and for each of these methods there are many formats. Why Arent You Using Audio? As use of the Internet continues to grow geometrically, we see an increased demand for information to be provided by a variety of media. Viewing options can range from simple text to PDF documents to video clips. Unfortunately, each option requires more and more resources and technological know-how. As convergence moves inexorably forward, we have to ask ourselves if there is a practical way to combine the best of this technology and still provide the user with a satisfying Internet experience. Adding Sound To Your Web Site - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Many webmasters like the idea of adding background music to their web sites but most shy away from doing it worrying about slow loading pages and large file sizes. There are many different ways to add background music to your site and some of them don't require large files to achieve professional results. Let's examine all the different ways to add background music to your site and rate them to find the best solution for you. 7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales Thought about adding audio to your Web site yet? You should. While great copy does a good job of selling your services and products, audio will amplify the effect of your words. Eight Reasons Why You Must Add Audio to Your Website NUMBER 1 : INTERNET USERS REMEMBER WHAT THEY HEARDid you know that Internet users remember only 20% of what they read while remembering an amazing 70% of what they hear? Audio on your website will help your message stay with fresh your visitors for longer. Five Tips to Become a Soundbite Genius 1. Speak in soundbites to everyone. Why Publishing MP3 Can Cost You A Fortune This was news to me. It might be news to you too: Dont Use Web Audio The Wrong Way Have you ever wrestled with a set of instructions, but then got so frustrated with it all that you threw them aside in a fluster and tried to figure out how to do it? yourself? MP3 vs. WMA There are just a few audio compression formats out there, just like there are only a few image compression formats (you may have heard of them: JPG, GIF, BMP). Two of the most popular audio formats are WMA, or Windows Media Audio, and MP3 (Short for MPEG, Moving Pictures Experts Group, Audio Layer 3). WMA is the older audio format, produced by Microsoft, to work with Microsoft's Windows media player. The WMA compression format was designed specifically for this format, and thus can not be converted to other audio formats. The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio On Your Website When it comes to placing audio on your website there are Ten Commandments you absolutely must follow. Break one of these Commandments and you can watch your website drive visitors away faster than the speed of sound. Fortunately, if you follow the Ten Commandments you can get people to stay at your website longer, inquire about your product or service more often, and even buy more of what you are selling. Doesn't that sound good? Adding Streaming Audio to Your Website Adding streaming audio to your web site can help you enhance the message you send to your customers and can serve as a wonderful confidence-building tool. In the past, audio was used primarily as a decorative effect, but advances in technology and the increased use of the internet by consumers have made it easy for you to add streaming audio to your web site and create a personal bond with your clientele. You can also add streaming audio to your newsletter or blog for a personal touch that will keep the interest of your readers and subscribers. 7 Ways to Use Website Audio in Your Marketing Arsenal Most visitors to your website are using computers with audio capabilities. Recently introduced techniques make it easy to take advantage of this capability. Why I Hate Flash Audio and What I Did About It I love spoken-word audio. I've been listening to seminars, lectures, and books on tape for years. Seven Ways to Warm Your Prospects Using Website Audio Gone are the days when putting audio on your website consisted of subjecting your visitors to gaudy musical fanfares and various clichéd sound effects. Fortunately, audio has now become a lot more sophisticated and new techniques that allow audio to be streamed have made it possible to use your own voice as a highly effective marketing tool. Transmit Clean Digital Audio with Digital Coaxial Cables In the world of digital audio, there are two types of cable to choose from; optical cables which use light to transmit signal and digital coaxial cable. These audio cables will enable your home theater system to transmit digital data between components. This will provide you with superior sound quality over typical RCA audio cables. ![]() |
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