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Afloat on A Sea of Abundance
In the days of the mighty sailing ships, when brave souls voyaged into the unknown, dependent on the winds and their as-yet incomplete knowledge of geography and navigation, one of the greatest and most dangerous challenges was to traverse the area known as "the doldrums." Extending about 30 degrees on either side of the equator, the doldrums are subject to days, weeks, even months of no wind at all. After a long and difficult crossing from Europe to South America, lying becalmed in the doldrums -- with no land in sight and with the ship's supply of fresh water dwindling -- was a terrible and life-threatening situation. But history and legend offer us some fascinating insights into the power of our own thinking and belief. Back then no one had yet figured out how to determine longitude, although latitude was easily calculated. So if you could not see recognizable land, you could only know in what band of latitude you currently were. Exactly where you were in that ring around the earth was, at that time, unknowable. And so it happened that at times a ship would fetch up off the coast of South America, out of sight of shore, fresh water supplies exhausted and death knocking at the door. Then, with what must have been the sweetest sound those sailors could ever have hoped for, the lookout would suddenly call out that a ship was approaching on the horizon. Once the ship was within hailing distance, the cry went up: "Water! Give us water!" And the reply would come back, "Lower your buckets over the side." You see, although the sailors didn't know it, they were afloat in a virtual river of drinkable and life-sustaining water flowing from the mouth of the powerful Amazon River, which carries nearly 20 percent of all the earth's runoff water into the sea with such force that the fresh (or brackish but safe) water flows as far as 100 miles out into the Atlantic. The sailors, dying of thirst, only THOUGHT they were experiencing lack. The REALITY was that they were afloat in a literal sea of abundance. Exactly what they needed was within their reach the whole time, but the APPEARANCE of scarcity and their BELIEF in that appearance threatened to overpower them. They could have died -- and many certainly did -- believing in lack while surrounded by abundance. In his remarkable but largely forgotten 1910 book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles writes: "I have said that people get rich by doing things in a certain way, and in order to do so, people must become able to think in a certain way. "A person's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things. "To do things in the way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. This is the first step toward getting rich. "And to think what you want to think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances. In a recent edition of my ezine, The Certain Way, my friend Teresa Romain of Access Abundance |
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Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate In the past, I have touched on the connection of quantum physics and communication. One of my passions is to understand the connection that we create on a much higher level. Speak Up! Ever been in a meeting with something important to say and remained silent? You may have felt the flush of the good idea and the rising adrenalin. You may have moved to the front of your seat and readied your body to speak...and then didn't. What stopped you? Be The Chooser "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experiencethem."-- Khalil Gibran Whats in a Name ? What's In a Name? Law of Attraction - What You Project You Receive Do you know anyone who always seems to have bad luck? Nothing ever goes right for them. Conversely, have you observed people who always wind up OK despite what befalls them? You Cant Have An Intelligent Conversation With Everyone Intelligent conversation is one of life's pleasures. I love nothing better than to engage in conversation with someone who has ideas to share, different perspectives, and is interesting. An intelligent conversation is food for the brain. All too sadly, not everyone can carry on an intelligent conversation. This has less to do with their intelligence quotient (IQ) than with their emotional quotient (EQ). Only a self-aware, self-confident person with excellent social skills has the ability to engage in intelligent conversation. If Youre in a Hole, Stop Digging If you find yourself in a difficult situation, don't continue doing what you are doing. Although, it might seem like simple advice that should be common sense, remember common sense isn't. It is based on life experience. If we haven't had the experience, we might not know how to handle it. We may be under the illusion that if we keep on doing what we are doing things will change. They won't. Doing the same thing and expecting things to be different is the definition of insanity. If you are not getting the results you want, it is because you are not doing the right actions. Stop doing what you are doing and do something else, anything else. Just remember, if you are in a hole, the best thing to do is stop digging and create a plan for getting out of the hole. Affirm Actions: Stop Lying to Your Soul and Make It Real! I hear of so many people using affirmations as the universal remedy for everything that ails them. They wake up in the morning and verbalize their affirmations. They go through their days verbalizing positive statements about situations and their lives. Then, they go to bed saying their affirmations like bed-time prayers. What Is Your Legacy? During a recent speech, I told the audience that my mission was to empower the self-employed to succeed. Instantly a hand shot up in the audience. "What's your definition of success?" I smiled to myself -- I love it when they ask this question! The Power You Possess What you need to understand is that there is no barrier to what is possible. It doesn't matter what it looks like. Everything that you desire is possible. Everything! The force of creation that you possess allows you to create anything you desire even though it doesn't exist as yet. You possess the power and no one can take it away from you. The force of creation is working within you at all times creating your life from your beliefs. Your beliefs affect your attitude, actions and your results. Power Affirmations Are Not Enough I hope this article finds you safe and well. I'm sure you have been as moved as I have in watching the devastating damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. I want to use this as an opportunity to remind myself and everyone who reads this article that affirmations alone are not enough. They are only thought tools to help you take consistent, positive, focused action. If all you do is repeat Power Affirmations, listen to Power Affirmations, etc., but don't allow them to move you to action, they will have no effect. Motivation for Life: What Would You Do if You Could Have a Do Over? "The only thing it takes 365 days to change is a year" - Hypnotherapist David Block How To Invite Positive Change In Your Life Gnothi seauton,, said Socrates. "Know thyself." The Mind - What An Amazing Universe You are what you think; Perception Is Reality "We think, therefore we are." Your #1 Path to Hidden Power Imagine that you could boost your confidence, courage, and compassion by 100% in the next three months. Imagine that you could learn five new skills you've been dying to learn all your life. Imagine that you could finally experience the kind of intimacy, connection, and love you've been longing for. What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? 'Image & Professionalism' we hear these words being thrown around in conversation like cheap tokens, almost as frequently as their counterparts 'quality', 'service', and 'value'. So what does 'Image & Professionalism' really mean, and what do you see when you look in the mirror? Women and Bad Boys: What Is The Attraction? "Bad Boys". Dealing with Mr.Charisma Do you ever find yourself in situations where you feel overwhelmed by the person who is speaking to you. It is as if their charisma and enthusiasm takes over and you just cannot seem to think for yourself. For a moment you are lost in a blur of their words. How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. ![]() |
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