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Back Pain, Joint Pain, Knee Pain, Arthritis and a Host of Other Pain Ailments You Never Have To Suff
"The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings." If "The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern..." then what happens when we have back, knee or joint pain? Did you know that Pain and Pain Relief is of utmost concern for most of us that are in constant pain. Why are we in Pain? Before we can answer this question, we need to understand how the body interprets and handles pain. The pain impulse begins at the point of an injury for example a cut, burn, pinched nerve, bruised muscle etc. Once the impulse starts, it triggers a number of bio-chemicals to be released at the site of the injury. Some of these bio-chemicals are histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandin, and Substance P. Each of these has one or more effects on the body. And many of these bio-chemicals are inflammatory -- that is they cause the injury site to swell up. Inflammation is actually a defense mechanism for the body. Inflammation serves to bathe the injury in healing fluids and acts as a cushion to protect against further injury. However. if the inflammation is prolonged or out of control, it can cause destruction. This is what occurs in arthritis where the inflammation actually destroys the joints. Also, inflammation can serve to compound problems by actually causing pain itself. This explains how an injury causes the body to release a number of biochemicals that can cause inflammation. Another action of these biochemicals, though, is to stimulate the nerve fibers of pain, the C fibers. (The body actually has three types of nerve fibers: A fibers. B fibers and C fibers. The main fibers which transmit the pain impulse are the C fibers.) Histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins and the other bio-chemicals are actually the stimuli that cause the pain impulse to begin. Types of Pain Relief At the site of an injury, whether the problem is pain or inflammation, the pain impulse can be interrupted by: -Decreasing the levels of the "pain" bio-chemicals or -by blocking the nerves of pain - the C fibers. With that in mind, it would make sense to use a painkiller that can do both of these. Aspirin and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen and Motrin decrease the prostaglandins. This can result in decreased pain and inflammation, especially if the prostaglandins are the main causes. However, aspirin and NSAIDS do not directly affect the other pain chemicals and do not affect the pain nerve, the C fiber. Narcotics, such as Darvon or codeine, have no known effect on either the "pain" bio-chemicals or the pain nerves. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) also has no significant effect on these at usual doses. And in fact, the way acetaminophen works is not actually known. But we also know we can interrupt the pain impulse away from the injury site, at the spinal cord. If our pain killer could also decrease the release of (or deplete the C fiber of) Substance P, the pain impulse would be blocked at the spinal cord level. Aspirin and NSAIDS have no known effect at this site. Narcotics and tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptylene or Elavil, on the other hand, actually can block the release of Substance P and stop transmission at the spinal cord level, but once again have no value in decreasing the levels of the bio-chemicals of pain. This new totally natural remedy does it all by providing the relief you need without using drugs and other traditional methods of pain relief: - Decreases the levels of the "pain" bio-chemicals. Pain-Away.net offers an affordable, all natural and highly effective product that sells all over the world. This product is an all-in-one solution, also called the "Chiropractor in the bottle" that Jaynne is an instructor and former skipatroller. Because of her past, she is very interested in health issues.
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Cure Arthritis? Right! Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system. Side effects? What side effects? You have a choice; accept the side effects or get sicker and sicker. Lavender Pure Essential Oil Lavender pure essential oil is cultivated and harvested in the Mediterranean today. More specifically, lavender is grown in Provence, France. Lavender, actually comes from the latin word lavare, which means to wash. Since the beginning of time, lavender has been used for all natural skin treatments.The finest of the lavender species is English Lavender, Lavandula Angustifolia, which was formerly known as Lavandula Officinalis. What is origin specific about this species is it only grows above 3000 ft. Lavender pure essential oil can help treat skin conditions, such as acne, and rashes. Just mix up 10 drops of the oil in a quart of water, and spray, or dab with a cotton ball on the surface of the skin.This oil can also help you relax and enjoy a good nights sleep. Take a few drops of the oil, and rub them directly on your temples, and/or on the pressure points on the back of your neck. Then lay down, and enjoy the aroma.Lavender is also one of the main pure essential oils used in massages today. The aroma of the oil is a relaxing aroma, and helps the persons being massaged to relax even more. Also, with the skin benefits of this oil, it is an excellent oil, when blended with a carrier oil, to be used for massages.Lavender, being versatile, and good for the skin, is an excellent oil to have in the cabinet. Try some lavender pure essential oil today. Using Hypnotherapy to Beat IBS Hypnotherapy is one of the best known and most widely used treatments for IBS, and can offer sufferers a drug-free solution to their symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and bloating. Why Are Organic Bedding and Organic Cotton Products More Expensive? At first glance it may seem strange that natural and organic bedding products, without industrial chemicals, toxins and pesticides, should cost more than conventional bedding. A Natural Remedy for Gingivitis, Toothaches, and Mouth Sores Everyone has a variety of bacteria in their mouth. Some have more than others. This bacterium helps you by beginning the digestive process. Get Your ZZZZZZ?s Naturally Insomnia ? according to the dictionary is a chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time. We've all experienced this at least sometime in our lives. Insomnia becomes a problem for me when I have too much on my mind so I can't shut the brain off allowing my body to fall asleep. I keep telling myself that at least getting some rest is good, but who am I kidding. Sometimes I make the mistake of having too much caffeine late at night. I am one of these people that needs at least 7 hours of sleep a night; otherwise I will feel moody, listless, lethargic and just crappy in general. Life is a lot prettier when I am awake to see it. The Many Advantages of Herbal Medicine Nowadays is the era of everything that is herbal and natural. Millions of "all natural," "all herbal" health and dietary supplements are swamping the markets today. Some of us are puzzled as to where and how the sudden exaggeration for those things started. Maybe it was because we became suddenly concerned and watchful of our health and well-being. Plain Soap as a Natural Method of Infection Prevention It is estimated that 80 percent of communicable illnesses are spread through touch but only about 30 percent of adults wash their hands after using the toilet and still fewer wash thoroughly. The very people who ought to know better are among the worst offenders. Nosocomial infections, or those occurring as the result of hospital caregivers not washing properly, kill 30,000 people each year and sicken another 70,000. In fact, the CDC estimates that as many as 15% of all hospital patients catch some type of nosocomial infection. The vast majority of these illnesses and deaths could easily be prevented by careful, deliberate handwashing with plain soap and clean water. Hypnosis Way of General Indications of Deceit When the subject is changed, he's in a better, more relaxed mood. The guilty wants the subject changed; the innocent always wants a further exchange of information. My All Natural Oasis About 7 years ago, I decided that my budget could stretch, just enough, to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning my own hot tub. Like most perspective spa owners, my biggest concern was whether the hassle of adding and mixing all those toxic chemicals that (I used to believe) are necessary for clean spa water was really worth the pleasure of after-work escapes into my personal "oasis". Hypnosis HYPNOSIS is a state of induced but conscious sleep through the process of suggestion. Hypnosis must be readily accepted by the subject in order for the hypnosis to be achieved. Usually, the process of hypnosis involves a hypnotist and a subject. Hypnosis is characterized by deep concentration and extreme relaxation. And of course, a high degree of suggestibility. Different social settings are utilized for hypnosis. From the showroom to the clinic, to the classroom and even police stations. Hypnosis may or may not work for individuals using this format for pain relief, addictions, fear and other problems such as weight control, quitting smoking, etc. The subject's degree of suggestibility is truly the core portal for hypnosis. This trance-like state is commonly viewed as an altered state of consiousness. Check Your Colon Transient Time Many doctors and others in the health field may tell you that it is ok not to have a bowel movement everyday. This really goes against common sense. If you eat every day, you should have a bowel movement everyday or 18 to 25 hours after you eat. Ayurveda - Principles & Practice Ayurveda which has been evolved around 600 BC, apart from treating ailments concentrated more in its prevention. This was followed by the Aryans & Dravidians who were inhabiting India and has been practiced ever since. In the 21st century, Ayurveda has become an indispensable branch of medicine due to its naturalistic approach, that depends on the diagnosis of ones physical base ie Vata, pitta and kabha, and to maintain a right balance. Herbal Medicine Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Herbs have been used in all cultures and form an integral part of modern civilisation. Cave men studied the effects on animals when they ate certain plants and through trial and error each tribe will have added the medicinal powers of herbs to their own knowledge base. They systematically collected information on plants and herbs and developed well defined pharmacopoeias. How Pain Relief Visualization Statements Work Visualization statements represent the specific language that your subconscious wants you to read back to it to help ease your pain. They're simple and are targeted directly at the main factors that could bring you relief. Relieving Chronic Pain Through Visualizations: A Three-Part Strategy The most effective way to use the subconscious for pain relief seems to be to encourage it to attack the pain process from three different directions. Here's a recap that you may be able to use to help build an effective strategy for easing your pain. Crystal Healing ? Do Crystal and Gemstone Healing Therapies Really Work? Crystals and gemstones have been valued for centuries for their beauty and also for their healing powers. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were advanced crystal healers. Natural Pain Relief Through Magnetic Therapy is Possible No one can deny the power of magnets, racing pigeons find their way home across thousands of miles, and Salmon use the earth's magnetic pulses to travel through oceans to make their way back to their spawning grounds. The ancient Celts built their places of worship at points where the earth's magnetic ley lines intersect. Too Clean?A Critical Look At The Alleged Link Between Asthma and Cleanliness Americans are ridiculed around the world for our attention to cleanliness. Recently some natural health experts have suggested that the growing problem of childhood asthma is directly related to our obsession with clean homes and a handful of studies seem to confirm their suspicions. Are these claims founded in truth or are they the result of "experts" deliberately misinterpreting data? Here's what we know for sure: Illness - What Can We do About it? Illness concerns everyone. How can we approach it? And what is the reason behind illness? Whether you need to stay well or get well, lifestyle changes are essential to help you win the fight against illness. ![]() |
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