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Discover 5 Scents That Will Turbo Charge Your Energy, Mood, Brain Power, and More
Control Appetite In studies of 105 subjects, it was found that people who inhaled a chocolate-like aroma when they felt hungry lost almost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. A research study of 3,193 people found that a whiff of banana, green apples or peppermint scents find out an average weight loss of 30 pounds in 6 months. By sniffing the above aromas often, and remembering to smell all foods before you eat. This will make your brain believe that you're eating more, while in reality lessening yourappetite. Boost Energy LevelsThe following scents stir the portion of the brain that enhance wakefulness... Jasmine causes a high level of beta waves in the brain, which will rev-up alertness, drinkingjasmine tea is agreat pick-me-up. Stawberries and buttered popcorn will cause people who exercise to burn more calories. Peppermint will also work to boost alertness. Chewing peppermint gum or eating a peppermint candy can result mid-day wake up call. Freshly Brewed Coffee aroma and its connection with caffeine helps the brainfeel the energizing effects without the caffeine rush. Improve Your Romance Men and Women are sexually aroused by scents, but smells that stimulate are not the same. For men: The blood flow to the penis is increased by 40% smelling lavander or pumpkin pie.Get a sniff of doughnuts, black licorice, vanilla or women's fragrances will also cause sexualstimulation in men. For women: The scent of cucumber and licorice are arousing. Turn offs for women are scentsof cherries, barbecued meat, and believe it or not men's cologne. Lower Your AnxietyFresh, natural aromas, in general cause a calming effect.A study of very confinded subject (small dark closet or room) showed people became very agitated, but when scents of green apples and cucumbers were pump in the subject seemedto calm down, their is some correlation these ordors have with the emotional center of the brain. If you feel a condition may arise where you may feel anxious, wash your hair with green-apple-scented shampoo and/or place a portion of the shampoo on a cloth and bring it with you. Increase Memory PowerStudies show people who smell a floral scent have a 17% boost in new information retention.So, when reading new information take a whiff of a floral aroma, then smell it again to recall it.Neurologist refer to this as state-dependent learning.The information you learn from one state--from smelling honeysuckle aroma--will increase yourrention of that same information when getting a sniff of honeysuckle. Robert runs an man health information website at http://todays-man-health-advocate.com You can find up to date information on men's health,fitness,and other helpful tips on men's issues at his website.
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Immunological Profile In Postpartum Women Post-delivery, the whole of immune system is restored to normalcy during puerparium. One of the extensively studied immunological markers is the assessment of CA- 125. Spitzer et al15 based on a prospective study reported that, there occurs a steep rise in CA ? 125 levels during first trimester of pregnancy (mean 43.1 U/mL) and the value is restored to normalcy in subsequent periods. At labor and immediately after the labor, the CA ? 125 levels rise steeply again (mean 39.9 u/mL) which, is restored to normalcy on day ?2. While, it is difficult to interpret the clinical application with the present knowledge, it can be concluded that, puerperal period is also meant to restore immunological status of mother to pre-pregnancy levels. What Is Herbal Medicine? Is It Safe? Herbal medicine is the use of plant and herb extracts for their therapeutic value. Most plants contain and produce chemical substances that aid in healing and other physical treatments. Quick Tip for Runners Who Have Knee Pain Running with knees that hurt and are not getting better trough time is no fun, and being addicted to running doesn't help either. Ayurveda - Principles & Practice Ayurveda which has been evolved around 600 BC, apart from treating ailments concentrated more in its prevention. This was followed by the Aryans & Dravidians who were inhabiting India and has been practiced ever since. In the 21st century, Ayurveda has become an indispensable branch of medicine due to its naturalistic approach, that depends on the diagnosis of ones physical base ie Vata, pitta and kabha, and to maintain a right balance. Home Remedies, Treatment To All Ailments By Herbal Homemade Remedies Given below the list of Best Home Remedies for all common diseases and conditions. Try these effective home remedies for a few days and see the results. If the symptoms do not go away, or you do not see any improvement, then you must consult your doctor. Cleaners And Our Health Many people use strong cleaners or acid cleaners to make the house clean and to get hard to clean stains out, but people don't realize that many cleaners are bad for our health they contain ingredient that irritate the skin and the fumes that those cleaner produce are dangerous if we inhale them. Foam Pillows are Changing the way the World Sleeps For countless people worldwide, getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis is an elusive, if not almost impossible, goal. The causes for this malady are numerous, and could consist of overwork, stress, pain, a sleep disorder, and the list goes on. While some people may require a physician's assistance in developing a normal sleep pattern, many Americans have found great benefit by merely changing one or more of their bedding products. Mental Anchors Have you ever noticed when you remember something pleasant in your past, that your current mood changes to a happy mood? Or when you remember a troubling thought, you become more agitated and your mood becomes full of negative thoughts? Top 3 Reasons Why You Suffer From Pain In The Back Of The Knee Pain behind the knee is something many of us have or might experience if we play sports that involve bending at the knees, running, tennis, or any activity that puts strain on the area. Massage Magic - Music & Touch What Massage Therapists Do! Love, Appreciation, and the Heart As I started to write this article a few words from a song kept running through my head "all you need is love..." This month we will be bombarded with ads for cards and gifts and urgings to show others that we love them. Many religions and traditions exhort us to "love one another," to care about others and to appreciate the gifts of life. In both advertising and tradition the heart is the symbol of love. Drug Addiction Treatment Centers: A Fresh Start Half a decade ago, I started working on a hotline to help addicts and their families find drug addiction treatment centers. Thousands of calls later, I still remember the first time I picked up the line. Naturopathy Naturopathy is a holistic therapy that relies on natural remedies. Sunlight, air, and water are thought of as natural healers; this, along with nutritional supplements and massage therapies are all part of naturopathy. How to Protect Your Family Against the Coming Pandemic Most dictionaries define pandemic as "an epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughout the world." Getting into The Zone with The Alexander Technique Have you ever attempted to perform a simple act and completely failed? From completely mistiming a shot to losing balance at a crucial moment, the outcome may have fallen short of our intention and expectation. In contrast there are times when everything goes just right, every act is carried out to perfection with little perceived effort. Why should this be the case? If we are capable of achieving feats of brilliance one moment, why do we fail so comprehensively the next? What condition is present one moment and gone the next? Athletes refer to the later as 'The Zone ' and spend their lives trying to reach this subliminal level. Health & Longevity With BelAir Aromatherapy 1. Clean and Fresh Air Treating West Nile Virus with High Quality St. Johns Wort West Nile Virus, although new to the U.S., iswell-documented. The Centers for Disease Controlidentifies it as a flavivirus, a member of theTogavirus family. It is closely related to yellowfever and dengue fever. This is important becausethe Togavirus family are encapsulated viruses,i.e., they are covered with a lipid (fatty)coating. Alzheimers Disease: Notes from a Medical Intuitive?s Casebook In my medical intuitive practice, I have often been consulted by family and friends of those whose parents or loved ones have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The origin of this disease is unknown, however much attention is being placed upon the growth of Amyloid plaques in the brain. An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part II ? The Seven Helpers The 12-7-19 Method of Bach Flower Classification Laughter, Why Its so Good for You For hundreds of years, we've known that 'Laughter is the best medicine'. ![]() |
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