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With A Little Help From Our Friends
The quality of one's life to a large extent is determined by the quality of our relationships with others. When we feel we have no choice but to face the world alone, we suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and no degree of outward success can replace or repair the lonely feeling in our heart. No matter how talented, wealthy, or trim and fit we might appear to be, without supportive relationships it is a difficult challenge for any one of us to maintain physical and emotional health. Children, pets, loved ones, mentors, colleagues, and teachers, can all help us fulfill our need for connection to other sentient, limbic beings. Our nervous system is an "open loop learning system" that draws on energetic connections with others in order to continually adapt and hopefully flourish. This concept of "open loop learning" is very much a part of the theory of Aikido. When being attacked in an Aikido class we are hoping to move towards "joining with" our adversary and creating the energetic connection that can lead towards stabilization of both parties emotions, and a sense of physical and emotional completion. We come to understand each attack as a physical expression of loneliness and alienation, and the desire for connection. A sense of separation from others leads to fear, and fear can easily lead to feeling like you are about to be attacked, and thus attacking others preemptively. In Aikido we gain a direct understanding of how a physically and emotionally healthy person requires ongoing enrichment, stabilization, and support from the nervous systems of others. When we talk about the interaction of nervous systems amongst mammals, we are pointing to the fact that the nervous systems of two people in relationship very definitely communicate with, inform, and change each other. Our emotional connection with others clearly affects our moods, emotions, hormonal flow, digestion, body clock, and even the structure of our brains. Without conscious direction and without the need to think, our nervous systems are always learning from and adapting to our interactions with the nervous systems of others. Not all that surprising once you think about it. At the very least, for millions of years mammals have had the need to intuit which other mammals are safe, and which are predators. As mammals we have a limbic-emotional connection with each other that leads to procreation and family structures, and these relationships do not necessarily require the capacity to think, analyze, or rationalize. Emotional understanding of our self, others, and our relationships, comes prior to thinking. We can easily find numerous examples of the importance of supportive limbic-emotional contact with others. It is fascinating to note that baby monkeys who have lost their mothers at an early age, not only wind up with various developmental problems, but they also find it hard to live successfully with the rest of their community. The same tends to be true for children forced to grow up in harsh, sterile conditions. Indeed with children growing up in orphanages that show little in the way of human contact and emotional bonding, the mortality rate of the children is dreadfully high. High quality health and emotional well-being requires supportive limbic relationships. Our nervous system needs to locate and be nurtured by other nervous systems in order for us to have a sense of stability and completion. A limbic connection with others helps us to develop a deeper sense of safety, calmness, and dignity. Our need to live our life in supportive limbic relationships is very much a wonderful fact of life, and not at all a weakness to be overcome. As mammals we all require "a little help from our friends." Charlie Badenhop is the originator of Seishindo, an Aikido instructor, NLP trainer, and Ericksonian Hypnotherapist. Benefit from a new self-help Practice every two weeks, by subscribing to his complimentary newsletter "Pure heart, simple mind" at http://www.seishindo.org/anger/index.html
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Fitness-related Benefits of Massage Ask someone their reason for getting a massage and you're likely to hear "because it feels good". We all know that a massage can relieve stress, help to make sore muscles feel better and even reduce anxiety, but can it help us achieve our fitness goals? Research shows that the massage you get to relieve stress can also have a positive effect on your muscle-building capabilities and fitness level. Herbal Medicine Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Herbs have been used in all cultures and form an integral part of modern civilisation. Cave men studied the effects on animals when they ate certain plants and through trial and error each tribe will have added the medicinal powers of herbs to their own knowledge base. They systematically collected information on plants and herbs and developed well defined pharmacopoeias. Foam Pillows are Changing the way the World Sleeps For countless people worldwide, getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis is an elusive, if not almost impossible, goal. The causes for this malady are numerous, and could consist of overwork, stress, pain, a sleep disorder, and the list goes on. While some people may require a physician's assistance in developing a normal sleep pattern, many Americans have found great benefit by merely changing one or more of their bedding products. Flax Seeds, Seeds, and Nuts For Constipation Relief Here are a variety of home remedies for constipation using flax seeds with other seeds and nuts. They provide the fiber and oils that you need to relieve constipation. Drinking plenty of water with these home remedies will make them more effective. Some O. H. & S. For You To Consider Clicking a mouse isn't exactly vigorous exercise, so I thought we might consider a little Occupational Health and Safety. If you're like me, you spend quite a few hours each day 'slaving over a hot computer' - and it's probably one the most sedantary things you can do. Some Smells Cause Headache Did you know that some smells cause headache? Alternative Medicine vs Conventional Medicine - Pt 2 In Part 1 we discussed the fact that alternative medicine (so called) was being used in ancient times long before conventional medicine came on the scene. It is interesting to note that there were not so many diseases plaguing mortals in those days. What has caused this never-ending increase of deadly diseases that wreak such havoc on the body today? Breathing and Mental Concentration In spirituality, there are number of exercises available that help enhance the mental concentration. These exercises help reduce the flow of negative thoughts, which in turn lessens the mental confusion. When these extra exercises are done along with the Muraqaba (Sufi meditation) the mind gains the needed mental focus ahead of time and the positive effects of Muraqaba emerge earlier as well. Different Detox-cleansing Regimes Your body should clean itself naturally, but today's diets make that process difficult. Many turn to internal body cleansing to rid the body of waste products and toxins. A detoxification treatment is designed to help the body eliminate stored toxins and strengthen the organs involved in this process. Smoking?Quit with Whispers and Acupuncture Do you want to stop smoking badly enough to try? If you do, start now. Don't wait for what happened to my friend Waleed. Ganoderma the Miracle Herb - Can It Help You? Let us see if Ganoderma which has been discribed as the "miracle herb" can help you with your health regime. Honey - Natural Treatment for Wounds and Burns Honey is a highly concentrated sugar solution produced by honeybees. It is commonly used as substitute for sugar or a flavor enhancer. But other than that, honey is also effective in treating burns and wounds and it has been used for this purpose for many centuries. Now it is known that the secret of honey lies on its antibacterial activity. Fun is a Powerful Alternative Medicine - Just Dont Confuse it with Funny You're familiar with the phrase, "there's the rub," meaning "there lies the difficulty"? It's usually used to describe a stumbling block in your path or the central dilemma. But while it's associated with Hamlet, did you know that this phrase was not coined by Shakespeare? I'll finish this thought in a moment... How Toxic Is Your Home? We like to think of our homes as being a safe place to be--a refuge from a dangerous world. Yet some of the exposures that you have day-to-day that are most hazardous to your health and the health of your family happen right at home. Cure Arthritis? Right! Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system. Side effects? What side effects? You have a choice; accept the side effects or get sicker and sicker. Tips for Staying Young Eternally What is something that goes up but never comes down? Your age! Becoming A Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is something I've used and loved since I was 8 years old. I began learning about Reflexology when my aunt bought me a book by Mildred Carter - whom I consider to be the mother of American Reflexology. Herbe Fraiche Essential Oil : A Combination of Forest Essences Herb Fraiche essential oil is derived from essential oils complex blended from plant substances such as pine, thyme and mint. The refreshing plant fragrance induces a calming effect and relieves fatigue after a long day. To over-stressed urbanites who suffer from deteriorating body functions and sleep quality, Herb Fraiche provides a soothing remedy. Benefits of Human Growth Hormone ? HGH Enhancing Products Human Growth Hormone has often been referred to as the "fountain of youth hormone". So, have we stumbled upon the proverbial "fountain of youth" with these new HGH enhancement supplements that claim to reduce fat, relieve "aging symptoms" such as wrinkles, increase energy and sex drive, promote sounder and deeper sleep cycles, and rejuvenate the body? Well, there are several faithful users of products in this arena (and I'm one of them) that will swear that since they have started taking HGH enhancing products, they've experienced a wide range of pleasing and desirable benefits, and it's not placebo. Living with Aromatherapy Places Suitable for Use of Aromatherapy Products: living room, bedroom, study room, kitchen, bathroom, office, conference room, KTV, hospital, car and other enclosed spaces. ![]() |
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