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Proper Medical Identification Could Save Your LIFE
Everyone with a medical condition or allergy should have a medical id alert bracelet. There are many places that you can find a wide variety of medical alert jewelry styles, especially on the internet. Most are custom-engraved, stainless steel medical ID bracelets or necklaces. Each one should be able to hold between four to six lines of medical information (for a variety of conditions, diseases, allergies) and engraved in red so the information is easy to read by emergency personnel. Over 60 million Americans have a medical condition, which should be immediately known to Emergency Personnel. Diabetes, Alzheimer's symptoms and care, transplant surgery, mentally disabled, Patient's currently on Blood Thinners such as Coumadin, coronary heart disease, epilepsy, child safety, childhood asthma, Asthma allergy, individuals that are HIV positive or that have hepatitis, heart disease patients and cancer patients, children should have one for identification purposes, people who have drug allergies such as penicillin, codeine, antibiotics, bee stings or any other medications. Medical id alert bracelets are designed to be noticed by trained personnel. Wear them for yourself and for your family and loved ones, with this valuable information your emergency worker will already be ahead of the game. Remember your medical id alert bracelet speaks when you can not! Children especially should have the proper medical information on them at all times, (child safety) especially if they have a serious condition or drug allergy. Asthma allergy, Diabetes, Bee Sting Allergy, Hearing Impaired, or any other condition that medical personnel should know about when you can not be with your child. Children are active and we love to see them enjoy life and the happiness the can bring to others, so when you can not be there to give this vitally important information be sure their medical id alert bracelet can! Update the information as needed, the price of a new one is only a small price when weighed against the alternative. Also have multiple types, such as: Bracelet and Wallet card or both a bracelet and a necklace if active in sports when a necklace could cause injury. We do hope this site has provided valuable insight into Medical alert jewelry and that if you do not have one yet, you will get one NOW! My wife and I decided to publish this article because of the large number of children that we deal with everyday in our pharmacy/clinic setting. Many of these children have asthma allergies, medical conditions; such as childhood or bronchial asthma, diabetes or information that emergency personnel should know to effectively treat them in case of an emergency and do not have proper medical id on them. We hope that through this article we can raise the awareness to the importance of medical id alert bracelets for identification to everyone. Please help us and tell your family, friends, and co-workers about this important emergency product. You will probably be amazed at the responses. Everything from "I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet", to "my mother is with me at all times so she doesn't need one." We have tried to give examples of situations in which a medical id bracelet could play an important role, and some medical conditions that are in serious need for proper identification in an emergency. (such as Alzheimer's Care in our graying society) It is easier to understand how medical id alert tags can help in an emergency situation when explained by example. Therefore here are a few real life situations to think about.
Think about it, how would anyone know what medical conditions/allergies you have to begin to treat you. With proper medical id medical personnel have a head start, while you and your family know that you have a better chance now that you wear your medical id. Hopefully now your are ready to get your Medical ID alert bracelet. Your Patient Specific Medical ID Bracelet can be ordered on-line at http://www.medicalidalertbracelet.com which is sponsored by Diabetic Drug Store http://www.diabeticdrugstore.com These ID bracelets are engraved exactly as your specify and could save your life. About The Author Rick Pack - pharmacist in Central Virginia for 30 years, married with 3 children.
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Just The Tea FAQs: Health Benefits (Part II) A hot cup of tea might be just the thing to soothe a sore throat, warm the body, or relax with after a stress-filled day. But tea is more than just a comfort drink. Its healthful properties make it a smart choice for just about everyone. Tea has been used as a medicine in other cultures for many years, but it has only recently gained a great deal of media attention for the many nutritional benefits it offers. The Raindrop Technique Massage Raindrop Technique is a procedure for applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, back and spine. It is a form of aromatherapy. Raindrop icorporates certain Native American concepts, including a special form of massage called "feather stroking" which is simular to a massage technique called "effeurage". Cleaners And Our Health Many people use strong cleaners or acid cleaners to make the house clean and to get hard to clean stains out, but people don't realize that many cleaners are bad for our health they contain ingredient that irritate the skin and the fumes that those cleaner produce are dangerous if we inhale them. Bath Time For Your Alzheimer?s Patient Caring for an Alzheimer's patient is one of the most difficult things you can do. It involves a lot of energy, time and patience. It can be very frustrating. People with Alzheimer's may refuse help from caregivers. This is a sign that they are actually trying to communicate with you. Refusal to accept care is a sign that something is missing or not right. It's up to the caregiver to assess the situation. If Youre Unhappy with Your Pain Relief Meds, Heres a Whole New Class You Havent Tried The 8 That Are Produced in Your Brain How to Use the Subconscious to Cope with Body System Triggers of Your Pain The musculoskeletal, immune and endocrine systems can all be potent triggers of pain signals in your body. Here's a way to use your subconscious mind to try to lessen the impact of those triggers. Herbal Products HERBAL PRODUCTS are comprised of herbal care remedies, such as ointments like Tea Tree ointment. Tea Tree ointment has the ability to help and cure dermatitis, excema and fungal infections. Bling Therapy - Healing with Gemstones From jeweled necklaces to ankle bracelets, and all the tops and bottoms in between, we suddenly see Bling on every one and every thing! You instinctively knew that something about diamonds and rubies made you feel good when you first saw them sparkle on your friends, and they made you feel even better when they were shining on you. When Humor Hurts, When Humor Heals For some, it's a familiar scenario. You've been sitting for hours already in the stuffy boardroom. You and other key personnel in your organization have been trying to solve a sticky corporate problem that just defies solution. Nobody seems to be seeing eye to eye. Nerves are already on edge. You've got a life of your own. So have your colleagues. When will you get out of this place? Got a Headache? Painkillers Are NOT the Solution! Say you had a stressful day at work, didn't get enough sleep the night before and as a result you've got a bad headache. What do you do? It's easy! You take good old Tylenol or other over-the-counter medicine. And it helps! No more headache, the world is bright again. Alternative Herbal Cures for Ailments With the increased usage of herbs for treatment of ailments from Common cold to Cancer, there is an increasing need for authentic and unbiased information on various cures using herbs. The Truth About Dandelions! Dandelions are not weeds! They are wild vegetables. In Greek mythology, Hecate fed Theseus dandelions for 30 days so he would become powerful enough to defeat the Minotaur. Though this is just the stuff of legend, this story gives us an insight as to the powerful properties of the lowly dandelions. The Simplest Asthma Solution During the Democratic convention the Reverend Al Sharpton quoted a shocking statistic: One third of the children in Harlem suffer from asthma. This shouldn't be completely surprising since asthma cases have been consistently increasing over the years, especially in the cities, escalating recently during the rollback of some key environmental laws, but it is a trend we must turn back. How to Use a Footbath with Herbs Recently I read a book by William L. Fischer called "Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age", Book II, 1986. In chapter 10, The F-M Circulizer System, he discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter, I understood the importance of using herbs in a footbath to improve your health. It's a simple concept yet this is the first time I have read about this idea.This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims this herbal footbath has been in use overseas since 1946! How Essential Oils Differ From Dried Herbs Essential Oils are the heartbeat of the plant kingdom,and are perhaps the most exciting life-giving substance we have in the world today. They represent in plants what blood represents in humankind - life! This heartbeat is the energy that was created to deliver the nutrients into every cell of the body. The Flu Hysteria and Your Family (originally in Nov. 2004 ZoneNet Newsletter) What Causes Osteoporosis and Ten Changes You Can Make to Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis Ten Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to ReduceYour Risk for Osteoporosis Herbal Remedies to the Rescue! Since the dawn of civilization, man has always turned to Herbal Remedies to cure the common cold, salve wounds, relieve itching and burns, as well as a host of other medical needs. Unfortunately, with the rising tide of Herbal Medicine believers around the globe, doctors and other critics alike are lashing out at Herbal Remedies as the number one killer--which is totally unjustified.Statistics from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows that pharmaceuticals caused a total of 809 fatalities and 6,407 major non-fatal poisoning in between 1988 and 1989. During the same period, plants caused two fatalities and 53 major poisonings. The most hazardous plants? Not Herbal Remedies...but house plants!Just setting the record straight. Whether we're talking pharmaceuticals or Herbal Remedies, this rule is equally applicable: overdose kills! It doesn't seem immediately apparent that a tiny plant like ephedra can kill, but an extract taken in big doses can indeed cause heart attack or even death. Nature has blessed us with Herbal Remedies to cure common maladies. In fact, even in the medical world, majority of the antidotes and cures are still based on plant extracts or substances. This we tend to forget when we swallow a pill or a capsule! Synthetic compounds still have a long way to go in overtaking plant or animal-based medical remedies.Mint, aloe vera, anise, chamomile, garlic, licorice, senna and many other Herbal Remedies are part and parcel of effective medicines in wide use today. Diet Food Stinks! One big thing that can keep you from eating healthy is the idea of the food. People often think it sucks and doesn't taste good. That is the best thing of not dieting, the food tastes great. And since eating healthy is a "non-diet" the food also tastes great, often better than junk food. Have you ever had a strawberry that was so good it was almost orgasmic? Amazing Artemesias Artemis - Goddess of the herbalist - gives her name to a genus of marvelously aromatic, safely psychedelic, highly medicinal, dazzlingly decorative, and more-or-less edible plants in the Asteraceae family. I love Artemis, and I love her plants. ![]() |
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