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Powerful Essential Oils Kill Nail Fungus
Fungal infection of the nails is the one of the most difficult of all disorders to cure. Both fingernails and toenails may be affected, although toenail fungal infection is the most common type. There are a number of oral medications that have been promoted as effective cures, and, indeed, many of these medications eradicate nail fungus. However, all of these medications have the potential of causing significant toxicity, including liver damage. Oil of oregano aids in the cure primarily through topical application, although internal consumption may be necessary however, this must be under the direction of a professional health care provider. The oil has a deep penetrating power, which aids in the destruction of nail fungus, since this fungus infects the root of the nail bed as well as the surface. Regarding essential oils, oil of oregano's ability to destroy nail fungus is unmatched. Rub oil of oregano liberally into involved nails as often as possible. Be sure to reduce sugar intake. FUNGAL INFECTION OF SKIN AND NAILS Fungal infection of the skin & nails is one of the most difficult of all disorders to cure. Tea Tree and Oregano essential oils aids in eradicating primarily through topical application. These oils have a deep penetrating power, which aids in the destruction of nail fungus, since this fungus infects the root of the nail bed as well as the surface. These oils are included in our Healthy Nail Blend along with 5 other powerful essential oils. FOOT AND TOENAIL FUNGUS In the book, "The Cure is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano for Better Health" Dr. Cass Ingram, says: "The feet harbor a variety of microbes. In fact, they are one of the most commonly infected external sites on the body. Circulation in this area is poor, and this leads to sluggish local immunity. A variety of microbes may find residence in the skin of the feet, particularly between the toes, where moisture is retained. Foul odor is a dependable sign of poor health of the feet, as is the development of scaling or athlete's foot. Problem toenails may readily become infected, particularly by fungi, although bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, may also infect them. Toenail infections are difficult to eradicate, because the infection beings deep within the nail bed, and the delivery of medicine to this region is difficult. It is a little known fact that poor health of the feet affects the health of the entire body. Thus, for optimal health the feet must be kept clean and free of infection. Wash the feet often and be sure to keep the toenails well manicured. Clean any debris that might accumulate about the toenails or between the toes. Rub oil of oregano once or twice daily over the nail beds, the soles and between the toes. Don't neglect the health of the feet; your body will pay a price as a result." CHILDREN SKIN AND NAIL FUNGUS Children usually fail to attend to good hygiene and their hand washing technique is usually poor, if they wash at all. The fingernails are one of the dirtiest regions of children, microbially. The underside of the nails often contain a reservoir of microbes, especially if the nails are long. It is well known that parasitic infections in children are spread by poor hygiene; and entire day care center can become infected from one carrier. The hands are the main mode of transmission, but it is the underside of the fingernails that house the parasitic cysts and eggs. In particular, parasites tend to reside under the nails, and from there they readily reintroduced into the body. The fingernails must be kept neatly trimmed. Wash the edges of the nail beds with a soap and oil of oregano solution. If this is done regularly, the incidence of infectious disease in children will be curbed dramatically. Be sure to educate children regarding the importance of hand washing. Oil of oregano and/or Tea Tree essential oil helps reduce the risk for contracting microbial infections. they can be used both on the body and on inanimate objects. It may be added to soaps and body washes. They are a universal antiseptic, and there is no limit to the versatility of its uses. Infections spread like wildfires in public establishments, especially schools. Instruct children to use the oils during hand washing to prevent the transmission of infection from child to child and also to prevent it from arriving at home. Fortunately, we can lower the risk of infection by paying scrupulous attention to personal hygiene. Infection is often caused by the foreign bodies (germs) which enter our body through the mouth, nose, eyes, and fingernails, as well as through cuts in our skin. Good hygiene won't prevent cuts, but it can eliminate many of the germs that are lurking around our eyes, mouth, nose, and fingernails.
Judy Tovey has been involved in essential oil education for 5 years and is an Essential Secrets Consultant. For more information about Healthy Nail Blend go to http://antiagingchoices.com/Aromatherapy/healthy_nail.htm
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