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Six Power Tips on Resell Rights
If you are planning to take the path of the reseller in your Internet Business undertakings, you will do well to use these power tips I have laid out for you. I hope you will find them useful as they have been for me. [1] Source for Quality Products at Exclusive Resell Rights Membership Sites A good way to source for quality products with great demand is to purchase a yearly (or even lifetime!) access to membership websites dedicated to resale rights. These membership sites offer products such as E-books, software, templates, and audio/video with resell rights. You are advised to look for membership sites which its webmaster regularly sources for such products, preferably either the webmaster does his homework often or he has a good connection with other product creators that he usually has the product before the launch day, if not one of the first to get it. [2] Do Not Purchase a Product with Resell Rights If the Product Is Outdated Chances are that the product is either over-saturated on the Internet, devalued over time or did not survive the test of time (especially true if the product contained a lot of time-sensitive information). [3] Avoid Purchasing Packaged Products with Resell Rights That Are So-called Worth $2,500 but Sells for $47 In most cases, the bundled packages are really worth just that amount. If the product and its resell rights are too cheap to be true, this is often because either product is already old (I personally consider over 2 years old as 'old'), over-saturated on the Internet or devalued due to low prices offered by other resellers on the Internet (as you can see, becoming a reseller is tough competition!). Consider purchasing the product and its resell rights only if you want to give them away for free, give as a bonus, or bundle them into packages where you can add value and sell at a higher price. [4] Choose Quality Products with Resell Rights That Have Limited Competition Preferably if the product is rather new, you have a good chance of having a head-start. Also if the author sells to customers whom most of them do not have really great marketing power, this can be your good chance as an Internet Business owner to leverage on your own connections, Joint Venture partner's efforts, and more. [5] Choose Quality Products that Have Attractive Back-End Income Opportunity Choose product with resell rights that also give you an extra income opportunity to earn more from the same customers. In the first three years of the resell rights mania, products with resell rights where created only to benefit their authors. Now, things are different. Like any other wise resellers, choose to sell quality products that not only enable you to earn up-front income but also back-end income from the same customers. If possible, choose a product that allows you to earn recurring income from back-end sales. [6] Be Sure That the Quality Product with Resell Rights Has a Persuasive Sales Letter This should be another deciding factor in choosing your product to resell for your own. If the sales letter is not convincing, it won't sell no matter how good the product is. The best litmus test is to read the sales letter yourself. If it does not persuade you, it won't persuade your customers, either. Also be sure that the sales letter has quality testimonials as I tend to notice that most sales letters for resell right products don't have testimonials, which is very risky on the part of the reseller. There, the power tips explained! When you make your first ten sales, send me twenty percent of your profits and a thank you note. You know the address. Copyright (c) Edmund Loh Edmund Loh is the author of E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report with over 6 years of web designing experience before he engaged in Internet Marketing. Go to http://www.ebizmodelsyoucancopy.com/ to find out how you can be in business in 3 days with your own top quality product that you don't have to create yourself plus an opportunity to earn recurring income.
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How to Write an Effective Product Review How do you choose the products you buy? Do you simply accept as gospel truth all the good things a merchant says about their own product? Or, do you ask your friends' opinions and look for independent product reviews before opening your wallet? Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs Setting Up Your Own Affiliate Program (part one) Can you start your own affiliate program without hassle?This is one of a two part series on creating your own affiliate/revenue sharing program. Economic Recession or Not, You Must be Creative to Survive Are we Really in an Economic Recession? Internet Affiliate Business: 5 Ways to Grow It Organically Growing your internet home business organically means there are similarities to organic farming. An organic farmer knows that if he develops healthy soil, he will have healthy plants. He also knows that "to every thing there is a time and a season." You can't harvest in the spring, or plant in the winter. How To Evaluate An Affiliate Program Ok so you think you have found a good affiliate program to promote on your website or in your newsletter? There are some basic things you need to look out for before joining any affiliate program. Some of them may seem minor but those little petty things can cause you to lose hundreds of dollars in affiliate revenue. Dont Make This Mistake...New Affiliate Joining more than 2 programs at a time is something you don't want to do. I did this when I started as an Affiliate. If I were to advise a 'newbie' getting involved online I would tell them to promote, market or endorse only '1' product or service at a time. Promoting My Affiliate Programs--How? Getting your website up, is really just the first phase of your journey to a career on the Internet. You must promote your website, your product or your service to the world. Well, how do you do it? How to make money with Affiliate Programs - The Sensible Way Every day, thousands of would-be marketers scour the internet looking for any and every affiliate program, sign up, sit back and wait for the money to pour in and getfrustrated just as fast when the bank balance still shows a big, fat ZERO! 10 Things WalMart Teaches About Affiliate Marketing We already know about wal mart because of their ads in local papers, on billboards, on the radio and TV. So finding a local Wal Mart is easy, andso should it also be easy to find your web site. Although you may not need to use radio and TVadvertisements, you should still use offline promotion such as business cards or direct mail. Naturally, youwant other web sites to put your billboard ad onto theirs. So that's our first lesson on how Wal Martcan teach us effective affiliate marketing. Now let's visit a Wal Mart store.Once we arrive at Wal Mart, we enter a huge parking lot. Your web site must also enable a lotof visitors. If your site is on a slow server, you may be losing customers. That's lesson #2.As soon as we enter Wal Mart, we are welcomed by a Wal Mart greeter. This greeter not only welcomes us to the store, butalso offers help in pointing out where to find what you're looking for. That's lesson 3a and 3b. Your siteshould welcome visitors and provide navigation to all the products and services you offer. You can dothis by simply including a graphic on your page that says "Welcome, Click Here to find what you're lookingfor" and have that link go to your site map.Beyond the greeter is a wide path that branches out to different areas of the store with banners overhead that tell you whatyou can find in those areas. Your site map should consist of main links, as well as sub-links tocorresponding pages. Now we get to lesson 4, that each page of your site needs to have atopic, a main header, that defines what each page is about, as well as provide links, pathwaysto corresponding pages, because you'll notice that Wal-Mart arranges their store to groupproducts that are similar. The hardware section is near the automotive center, housewares arenear food items, lawn and garden items are near the hardware and pet supply areas, etc. Butyou can still get from one area to another.As you browse the shelves, you see more than one type of item. If you're in the grocery section;for example, you'll see many different types of beans. Canned beans, dry beans, even beansfrom different companies. That's lesson #5. You should offer your site visitors more than onechoice. If your site offers auto loans, for example, offer your visitors new auto loans, used autoloans, even auto refinancing loans. And, you may want to offer them more than one choice foreach type of auto loan. Afterall, visitors came to your site because they are shopping around...so let them shop and choose from multiple options. Just remember not to stickcheese products in your automotive section!Another thing you'll notice as you browse the shelves, which leads us to lesson #6... althoughthe shelves are stocked full, it's still easy to pick out your favorite can of beans. This is becausethe shelves are stocked neatly and orderly. The ads you put onto your site should also be neatand orderly. Mixing in tall banners with short banners and having banners for totally differentproducts and services can make shopping your site more difficult. For example, if you have apage about auto loans, you wouldn't want to put a tall auto loan banner right next to ashort casino banner. Instead, put a tall auto insurance banner next to the tall auto loan banner.As you roam the store, you frequently encounter employess who can help you find items. This goesback to lessons 3a and 3b. Each page of your site should have a help link to your site map, or youshould have a site search.Since Wal Mart makes it easy to find an employee to ask for assistance, that leads us to another lesson:Does you site offer customer service? Can visitors click on a button to ask you questions before theymake a decision? Or do they simply exit your site?Lesson #7: How many times have you heard announcements in Wal Mart? They frequentlyannounce specials over their public address system. We are not suggesting that you force visitorsto endure slow loading sound files. But you can make sound an option. To see how you can usethis marketing option, go to www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketingWe have an example there on how you can offer your visitors the option to hear your audible promotion without forcing them to listen and making your pages load slow.All you have to do is create a wav sound file, and launch it by using a graphic or text linksuch as: "Click Here to listen to our promotion".The personal touch of a person's voice on your site can help increase your conversions. Butdon't force the loading of sound files. Instead, use the method we recommend atthe URL below:www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketingAnother thing you can do to tell your site visitors about specials or new products and services yoursite offers, is to offer them a free subscription to your newsletter. Now that we've toured Wal Mart and we're ready to make our purchase, we know our way to thecheckout counter because Wal Mart makes it easy for us. That's lesson #8. Your site needs to makeit easy for visitors to purchase. If you do not provide any of your own products or services and strictlyuse affiliate programs, you need to make sure your relevant banners and text links are at the top of the page,clearly and readily visible, to the people visiting that page.When we arrive at the checkout counter, besides asking us if we want paper or plastic and if we willbe purchasing with cash or credit, the cashier asks if we found everything we needed. That's lesson#9. Make sure you offer your site visitors more options when they checkout. And, once again, if you do notdirectly sell your own products or services and you strictly use affiliate programs, you can offer yoursite visitors two links to click on: One link that opens the offer into a new window so the person may continuebrowsing your site after they are done applying or buying from your sponsor, and another link that simplygoes directly to the sponsor in the same window.Think we're done learning from Wal Mart? No. After we make our purchase, and even after we go home,there's lesson #10... the return policy. If you sell your own products or services, you need to assureyour visitors that you stand behind what you sell, and make your return policy very clear. If you donot sell your own products and services, does your site have a way for customers to resolveproblems, or to ask pre-sale questions? If not, you may lose customers to sites that do provide online customer service. Affiliating Correctly - Only Work With the Winners You need to do a bit of research on which affiliate programs you choose to work with. Why work hard to make $10 when the same amount of work could have netted you $100? Choose your affiliate relationships wisely. How to Build a Huge Opt-In List as an Affiliate One of the biggest mistakes I see affiliates making everyday is that their building a short-term business where they just make a small sale ? one sale at a time. If they stop running ads today, their business would shut down! The strategy we're going to discuss now will allow any affiliate to build a long-term business. This strategy will allow you to upsell your visitors for expensive services. Even more importantly, by using this strategy you'll soon become recognized as an expert in your field and making money will be all the easier! Safe Surfing in Shark Invested Waters Paid to surf sites are washing across the Internet like a tidal wave. As powerful waves settle, new sites pop up out of the foam like tiny islands. But are you likely to get beached with Gilligan and the Crew, or end up on Fantasy Island with Mr. Roarke and Tattoo? 11 Awesome Ways To increase Your Affiliate Commissions! Let me ask you a simple question. "Now that you have your own online business and you joined some affiliate programs, do you have any idea how to earn more commissions then ever?" Multiple Income Streams From Niche Markets Multiple income streams; exciting words, but what does it mean in every-day English? Whats a Mini Affiliate Site? In this article I'm going to cover two specific marketing tactics, yet they do however tie in together. I'm going to show you how Niche Marketing can be very effective and how Mini Affiliate Sites can earn you a very good ongoing income, if done well. I will also show you how to promote your Mini Affiliate Sites for the best result. Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs If you have wanted to find a way to make money from home without all the hassle of selling products out of your own home yourself, perhaps you should take a look at affiliate programs. Why Building Affiliate Websites Are the Way to Go It seems that everybody is into making money online these days. By far, the largest market place in the world is right there in front of you within the cyber world of the internet. But what is the simplest and easiest way to make money online? Well, affiliate marketing nowadays is the very common and the most popular method of earning money online. The Affiliate Model ? How To Make Money As An Affiliate Affiliate programs are a very easy and effective way to make money on the Internet right? so how do they work? Article Marketing 101 For Affiliate Program Managers This article is for Affiliate Program Managers: Interested in increasing the amount of revenue that each of your affiliates creates for your business? Read on to learn about how to use your existing articles to grow your affiliate program strength. ![]() |
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